Friday, December 18, 2009

Fluoride---NOT what we want in our water or toothpaste!

I've had some questions lately about fluoride in water so I thought I would share what I've found in my recent studies (& what I've been aware of for many years).

The controversy over fluoride began around 1945. Prior to then, fluoride was properly regarded as an environmental pollutant mostly from the aluminum & fertilizer industry. Fluoride was somehow transformed from an environmental pollutant to an essential nutrient necessary for producing healthy teeth (with very poor scientific support).

Over time, most developed countries have banned fluoride in their water, including Japan (the healthiest country in the world). Europe is 98% fluoridation-free...and it is opposed in England, Australia among other countries. In the US, it is in almost all commercial toothpastes and regularly added to ~75% of public drinking water. For years the FDA has required warning labels to keep toothpaste out of the reach of children under age 6 and, if swallowed, to get medical help or contact a poison control center right away. In 2005, more than 22,000 people did. Hmmmm....Why is fluoride in our water & toothpastes in the US?

In 1997, the union representing toxicologists, chemists, biologist & other professionals at the EPA in Washington DC went on record against adding fluoride to public drinking water, stating that the health & welfare of the public is not served by the addition of fluoride to the public water supply. This was after an 11 year review of evidence showing that fluoride was linked to cancer, nerve impairment, bone changes & low IQ scores in kids. The November 2008 Journal of the American Dental Association reported that, "There is weak and inconsistent evidence that the use of fluoride supplements prevents dental caries in primary teeth" after conducting a systematic review of fluoride supplement research.

Many pediatricians who have taken the time to learn about the health effects of fluoride stress avoiding the use of fluoridated toothpastes under the age of 3 and avoiding drinking fluoridated water (or making baby formula with it). Maybe this is why: Fluoride is more poisonous than lead and just slightly less poisonous than arsenic. It is a cumulative poison that accumulates in bone over the years (Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products).

Why is our water being fluoridated when the most recent studies do not even show that water fluoridation is effective in reducing tooth decay? In the largest US study of fluoridation and tooth decay, the US Public Health Service dental records of over 39,000 school children, ages 5-17, from 84 areas around the country showed that the number of decayed, missing, and filled teeth per child was virtually the same in fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas. A similar study in New Zealand of 60,000 school children showed the same.

Fluoridation effects don't pertain to just children. Back in 1993, the US Dept. of Health & Human Services reported that "postmenopausal women and elderly men in fluoridated communities may be at increased risk of bone fractures." Fluoride has also been found to reduce thyroid and metabolic activity.

It usually takes me a day or two to get one of these blog entries written---and over the past 2 days I've had 2 additional articles re: fluoridation of water supplies in the US cross my path---Yes, I'm thinking this IS a BIG DEAL!

One was a bulletin that listed 7 new research studies focused on assessing the effects of consumption of fluoridated water in humans. Some of the effects found include impaired glucose tolerance, DNA damage, memory impairment, decreased capacity for learning & memory and preterm births. The website with this info:

The other article included this statement: This chemical (fluoride) in the US water supply has been linked to lower fertility rates, hormone disruption and low sperm counts. Wow---as you can see, this issue really does affect all age groups.

What To Do?
Get informed, stay informed & share this information with others. Solid carbon filters do not remove fluoride. Reverse osmosis & distillation both do, at the cost of making the water quite acidic and very poorly absorbed by our bodies. You can learn more about this in some of my posts from June related to pH and water.

Our family uses a simple water filtration unit that filters the majority of fluoride out, with the end result of purified water with minerals intact (making it slightly alkaline) that is well absorbed by the cells in our bodies.

I look forward to your questions and comments!

Thanks for taking the time to be a well-informed 'Owner of your Health'!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Healthy, Anti-Aging Foods...The Day After Thanksgiving!

I know, I know...the thought of 'food' still brings back memories of yesterday (Thanksgiving Day in the US) & that stuffed feeling many of us left the table with...

How appropriate (at least in my thinking) to have a quick refresher course in healthy foods--foods that have 'Anti-Aging' properties--to guide us in our eating choices during this most challenging time of year.

I have a goal of eating healthy at least 75% of the time, realizing that it's a 'real world' out there, with time get-togethers with few if any 'healthy eating choices'...and the whole Christmas baking/cookies arena... :o)

Keep this list in mind when grocery shopping, eating out, and preparing menus & meals for the week (if you're one of those organized people I'm jealous of!).

->Fresh fruits & vegetables: Keep handy in the fridge or basket on the counter for healthy munching options. Get organic if possible--be sure to include dark green veggies!. The nutrients in fresh fruits & veggies are huge in keeping you healthy & slowig the aging process.

->Whole grains, nuts & beans: These will keep your fiber intake up, along with providing great protein, minerals and essential fatty acids (EFA's).

->Cultured foods: Good quality yogurt, kefir (like drinkable yogurt--very good!), miso (soup), & tempeh are in this category. They help keep your digestive system working as it should, which keeps your immune system strong (the good bacteria/bad bacteria benefits--see past blog from 7/26/09).

->Sea greens: These are amazing 'superfoods of the ocean' that are loaded with protein, vitamins, minerals chlorophyll, enzymes, fiber...and are very helpful in regulating thyroid function. You can buy the dried version of them & 'get used' to them by crumbling a few on green salads & adding to soups. I'll post a blog about Sea greens in the near future as well.

->Fish & fresh seafood: Choose ones with lower mercury levels & ecofriendly, like cod, halibut, pollock, salmon... ( This website gives a great listing of good fish/seafood choices). Fish & seafood are a great protein source, with many of them a great source of essential fatty acids (EFA's) as well.

->Whole grain pasta & rice: A great source of complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins (esp. B vits) & iron. There are many 'brown rice' options to choose from---they have so much flavor!

->'Good' fats (monounsaturated): Our bodies need small amounts of healthy fats each day...olive oil, peanut oil, almonds, avocados & pumpkin seeds are some great sources of 'good fat.'

->Filtered, pure water: (I know...water is not a FOOD, but it is THAT important!) Drinking at least 8 8-oz glasses/day is a good start. An more precise guideline for water consumption is drinking half your body weight in ounces/day. I weigh 140lb, so I should drink at least 70 oz/day (about 9 8-oz glasses). Being well-hydrated has a powerful effect on your entire body, not to mention providing energy & a greater sense of well-being. For information on the various types of water & how they affect our bodies, check out my blog post from June 10th.

Here's to a Healthy & Joy-Filled Christmas we can all start out the New Year on the right foot (instead of the 'I wish I hadn't eaten so much over Christmas' foot!)

Blessings on your health...

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What A Strong Immune System? Mushrooms To The Rescue!

I'm still working on a regular study routine---I admit it's still pretty random at present, but I'm getting it done. Maybe my study routine is just supposed to stay in the random quadrant for now. I look forward to the time I have each day to move ahead in my classes--pretty nerdy, I know--but someone's gotta love it, right? :o)

I think many of us are now aware that mushrooms aren't just for pizza or steaks anymore...they have amazing health properties. Once again, from my current textbook, Healthy Healing, by Page---here's a brief overview of Medicinal Mushrooms:

*Maitake mushrooms are the strongest tumor growth inhibitors of all mushrooms. Considered highly effective against hormone-driven cancers like breast & prostate--& even lung, liver, pancreatic & brain cancer. It also has a synergistic effect with chemo, with reports of a lessening of the side effects (nausea, poor appetite...).

*Reishi mushrooms are the most famous mushrooms (being they used to be reserved for the royal Chinese families). It is known for promoting longevity (that's why they kept it for the royal families!), great antioxidant activity, helpful in normalizing high blood pressure & relieving allergy symptoms, also beneficial in lowering cholesterol & triglycerides & increasing resistance to infections. That's the short list---now you know why the royal families wanted it!

*Shiitake mushrooms can protect the body from cancer risk, showing strong anti-tumor powers. Like the reishi, it is helpful in lowering cholesterol levels & reducing high blood pressure. It fights viruses & bacteria & is helpful with candida yeast overgrowth. A certain component in the shiitake is proving to be more effective in preventing the spread of the HIV virus in the body than AZT---imagine a SAFE option! Once again, that's the 'short list'---moving on...

*Agaricus or Royal Agaricus is the richest source of Beta Glucan, which make T-cells function at top level, kicking the immune system into maximum efficiency. It is also helpful in regulating blood sugar and lowering high blood pressure & cholesterol. Rainforest researchers in Brazil found that the natives who lived where Agaricus grew were much healthier then the rest of the population & had especially low cancer rates.

*Tremella mushrooms enhance calcium absorption & provides vitamin D (Hello, Osteoporosis!) It's commonly used in Chinese medicine in herbal cough syrups for asthma & coughs. It ALSO helps with lowering cholesterol, balancing blood sugar & has anti-tumor activity. Anti-tumor activity means reducing your cancer risk--HUGE!

*Cordyceps mushrooms provide dramatic oxygenation & energy---that's why the Chinese runners broke 9 world records in 1993! Increased lung capacity & stamina and shorter recovery times make it a huge support to athletes. Cordyceps also increases immunity by increasing activity of the good immune worker cells.

My family & I have been taking a 'Medicinal Mushroom' whole food product, appropriately named 'Immunity'---it includes a few more mushrooms:

*Phellinus Linteus--anti-tumor
*Trametes Versicolor--anti-cancer drug in Japan
*Hericum Erinaceus--helps with digestion & boosts energy
*Pleurotus Tuber-regium--anti-tumor with beta glucans
*Oyster--anti-tumor & cholesterol lowering
*Chaga--immune modulator (helps keep immune system on track)
*Lepiota Procera--powerful beta glucans

The astragalus, shiitake & reishi mushrooms are all considered herbal antioxidants (antioxidants are crucial in our fight against free radicals which can lead to cancer and accelerated aging).

Mushrooms are naturally probiotic in nature--yet another wonderful benefit of these powerful, sometimes quite homely looking fungi!

I honestly meant for this to be a shorter post---but there's so much good info to share--thanks for hanging in there!

May you be blessed with great health...

Monday, November 16, 2009

Barley Grass (Jades) Details--Straight From My Textbook!

I know...I know...I already have a post/blog about the benefits of barley grass (back in July)---but it's so cool reading about it from a total 3rd party perspective (ie. my current Naturopathy textbook, 'Healthy Healing' by Page). And it honestly is that important for great health!

Barley grasses fall under the category of 'Nature's Superfoods.' They are one of the lowest-calorie (Yay!) & most nutrient-rich foods on the planet.

Here's what my text has to say about barley grass ('Jades' to some of us)...
Barley grass has:
*10X more calcium than cow's milk
*5X more iron than spinach
*7X more vitamin C & bioflavonoids (anti-inflammatory part of Vit C) than orange juice
*80 mcg of Vitamin B12/100 Gm of powdered juice---that's huge!
*antiviral activity (flu & 'colds' are caused by viruses)
*neutralizes heavy metals like mercury
*an ideal anti-inflammatory
*richest food source of the antioxidant isoflavone 2-0-GIV (works with DNA repair)

Once more from my text by Linda Page:
Studies on barley grass show that it has the capacity to aid a wide range of health problems, including high blood pressure, diabetes, ulcers, liver disease, asthma, eczema, anemia, burns & even cancer.

Another major reason that most people who take a barley grass supplement do so is to maintain a healthy slightly alkaline pH in their body. According to Dr. Robert Young (one of many health experts writing on the benefits of alkalinity), 'Overacidification of body fluids & tissues underlies ALL disease...for one thing, it is only when a body is acidic that it is vulnerable to germs. In short, good health requires a body on proper pH balance: slightly alkaline.' (excerpts from his book, 'The pH Miracle).

My family & I take 'Jades' or Jade Greenzymes, a whole food, organic green barley supplement. I honestly don't consider it a supplement---it's a basic food for every day that 'builds disease prevention into our lives' ... simply, safely & effectively.

Let me know if you have questions about barley greens -- or any other questions/requests for blogs--

May you be blessed with true health...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

My studies--Info on 'Magnet Therapy' from my textbook

After being a user of magnetic technologies for over 13 years, it was great to read a section in my Naturopathy textbook (Healthy Healing) devoted to 'Magnet Therapy.' Our family has benefitted greatly from this simple technology--better sleep, relief of a wide range of discomforts, relaxed muscles, rapid recovery from sports injuries (think, hockey, golf, baseball, gymnastics...)---who would have thought?? :o)

The main points from the book:
*The 1st recorded use of therapeutic magnets dates back to 600BC! (Nothing new--it's been around a long time).
*Modern science has known since the 1950's that a magnetic field is critical to normal body function and coordination. In fact, immune deficiency syndromes (like fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis...) were first identified as magnetic field deficiency syndromes.

What we know so far---Magnet therapy (Again from my book):
*increases blood flow
*balances pH
*helps break down scar tissue & realease toxins
*speeds up the migration of calcium to help heal nerve tissue & bones
*stimulates enzyme activity
*enlarges blood vessel diameter & reduces inflammation
*reduces pain by modulating pain receptors
this is a partial list...

Studies abound--solid studies performed by non-pharmaceutical sources--validating the positive, SAFE benefits of magnetic technology for our health. Other countries have been enjoying the benefits of safe, natural & proven energy technologies like this for years--we're just catching up! For further information, check out earlier posts from June & July...

Be well & Stay well!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

My 1st Assignment--Why I'm Doing What I'm Doing

I'm quickly figuring out 'how things work' as I jump in with both feet into my coursework toward my Doctor of Education in Holistic Health & Wellness degree---Here is my first 'project' that I submitted this past week that gives an idea for why I'm doing what I'm doing----I know there are many out there who truly are wondering WHY I'm doing what I'm doing!
May you and your families be blessed with great health!

My Philosophy of Natural Health
Imagine a nation in which being healthy and truly feeling well was the norm…with illness being an uncommon occurrence for which there were simple, safe and effective measures to take. While we’re at it, let’s also imagine a prevailing mindset of personal responsibility for our health. I realize that the general public would be rolling their eyes in unison after reading the above two statements. That’s okay, though. That’s why I’m embarking on this journey of education with a destination of a Doctor of Education in Holistic Health and Wellness degree.

The reason I say it’s ‘okay’ at present for the public to roll their eyes in disbelief at the thought of a healthy nation is because the majority of people aren’t aware of the sound research and information available in the natural health arena that can impact our health in positive ways. The barrage of pharmaceutical-driven health information from multiple media sources that the public is subject to, even if they aren’t looking for information, is a formidable mess of misinformation often designed to intimidate and alarm.

Many of us were raised under a Western medicine influence with a skewed view of health being ‘the absence of disease.’ Little, if any, emphasis was placed on disease prevention. The average health care consumer is growing increasingly frustrated and confused with conflicting reports and myriads of health care choices. This frustration and confusion is creating a wonderful window of opportunity in the natural health field. I believe that sound, pertinent education is the key in changing the face of our nation’s health for the better.

This ‘sound’ education can only happen with knowledgeable natural health consultants and practitioners standing up and speaking out, armed with unbiased, unequivocal research. This is what it will take in a country overridden with a medical (sick care) system driven for the most part by financial greed. I’ve been a part of both sides (Western medicine and natural health) in my 28 year nursing career and I know which side needs to win the battle. A true victory will be a cooperative force of health practitioners and consultants practicing integrative medicine that actually endorses and follows the ‘Do no harm’ credo.

I know that I will benefit personally from the knowledge gained on this journey of natural health education. My goal is to take this invaluable information and utilize effective ways to educate others in ways that make sense to them, empowering them to incorporate healthy behaviors into their lifestyles. I look forward to the journey.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A SAFE Alternative to Tamiflu If You Get The Flu

Even healthy people can be hit with a flu bug (not necessarily the swine flu!)--especially when traveling (think poor air filtration on planes...), when sleep-deprived or around a bunch of other 'sickies'. Tamiflu (or some pharmaceutical variation) is quickly prescribed with urgency to start it right away for best effects.

There are definite concerns for taking Tamiflu---read the package insert! Tamiflu is only partially effective,very expensive, and the side effects are so bad (& dangerous) that it has been banned in Japan. (I wonder if our FDA is aware of this...)

Several years ago, the New York Times (2/5/05) stated that the World Health Organization (WHO) admitted that Tamiflu is not as effective as previously believed. So why is it still being promoted so heavily? Hmmm...$$ to be made? Hmmm...

The Sydney (Australia) Herald (4/20/09) reported that a Japanese study had been completed on the side effects of Tamiflu with negative results. A major reason for the study was to determine if Japan should lift its ban on Tamiflu, which, the Herald article stated, was very unlikely because of the of the conclusion of that study. Out of 10,000 test cases of Tamiflu used by young people under 18, over half exhibited unusual behavior after taking Tamiflu, with some behavior as extreme as attempting or committing suicide. Eighteen deaths among young Japanese were associated with taking Tamiflu!

The 1918 flu pandemic reached such a high death toll primarily due to secondary bacterial infections. There is evidence that the use of Tamiflu creates an invitation to secondary bacterial infections. The 'normal' side effects include fatigue, dizziness, vomiting, headache and coughing. The only positive of this very expensive medication is symptom relief for 1 1/2 days out of a 6-day flu. (The side effects mimic the flu symptoms anyway!)

There is an alternative for several flu viruses---a natural remedy that has no side effects and is inexpensive. (How cool is that?) It's been around for quite some time as a cold cure, but more recently has proven effective against flus. It is Black Elderberry extract.

In 1992, a team of Israeli scientists studied the effect of elderberry on flu patients. During a flu epidemic at an Israeli Kibbutz, half of the flu patients were given an elderberry syrup, the other half a placebo. The results: within 24 hours, 20% of the patients receiving elderberry had gotten significantly better. Within 2 days, 75% of the elderberry group were much improved; within 3 days 90% were completely cured. Among the placebo group, only 8% of patients improved within 24 hours and it was a full 6 days before 90% of the patients were cured.

Elderberry has a very high ORAC, or oxygen radical absorption capacity: over twice as much as blueberry. In addition, antioxidants called flavonoids stimulate the immune system. Other compounds in elderberry, called anthocyanins, have an anti-inflammatory effect; which would explain the effect on aches, pains, and fever.

Elderberry is an herb that has a long history of use as a remedy for colds, sinus infections and flu. In preliminary lab studies, elderberry extracts have been found to fight off viruses. Researchers believe that anthocyanins, compounds found naturally in elderberries, may be the active component that strengthens the immune system and blocks the flu virus from sticking to our cells.

Health food stores carry elderberry juice, syrup and capsules. Only commercially prepared extracts of the berry should be used, because the fresh leaves, flowers, bark, young buds, unripe berries and roots contain cyanide and could potentially result in cyanide poisoning.

For recommendations on keeping your immune system strong during this flu season (as well as info on flu vaccines), check out information on my August 9th blog.

May you be well & stay well--as an informed health care consumer!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Where's the syllabus? --&-- Serious Cancer Screening Info

I'm so excited to be fully registered & ready to move forward on my journey toward a Doctorate of Education in Holistic Health & Wellness---I have my books & am ready to start! I promised to share information with you as I'm learning--hopefully you'll find some of it relevant and helpful for yourself and your family.

So first of all, I started looking for the syllabus that lists what to read, the assignments...I still remember the basics...and I know I won't get very far without the syllabus! After searching the website, I finally called my advisor to find out how to access the syllabus (I actually needed 2...). She left a voicemail describing the syllabus, which is actually what I thought was one of my books. Obviously I hadn't actually opened the books yet (not that one, anyway)---I thought I needed the syllabus first! My recollection of a class syllabus was 1-3 pieces of paper, not a bound book--Yikes! Now that I've figured out that pretty basic piece of information, I'm really ready to get started--and yes, I admit, I am blonde! :o)

On a much more serious note, here are some excerpts from an article in today's New York Times on cancer screening. To me, the message is clear---we can't rely totally on screening to keep us healthy---various screenings play important roles in our health care. (Yes, I get regular mammograms & Pap smears--& soon I'll be old enough to start the screening colonoscopies--Yay!).

Here are excerpts from today's article:
"The American Cancer Society, which has long been a staunch defender of most cancer screening, is now saying that the benefits of detecting many cancers, especially breast and prostate, have been overstated.

It is quietly working on a message, to put on its Web site early next year, to emphasize that screening for breast and prostate cancer and certain other cancers can come with a real risk of overtreating many small cancers while missing cancers that are deadly.

“We don’t want people to panic,” said Dr. Otis Brawley, chief medical officer of the cancer society. “But I’m admitting that American medicine has overpromised when it comes to screening. The advantages to screening have been exaggerated.”

Prostate cancer screening has long been problematic. The cancer society, which with more than two million volunteers is one of the nation’s largest voluntary health agencies, does not advocate testing for all men. And many researchers point out that the PSA prostate cancer screening test has not been shown to prevent prostate cancer deaths.

In it, researchers report a 40 % increase in breast cancer diagnoses and a near doubling of early stage cancers, but just a 10 % decline in cancers that have spread beyond the breast to the lymph nodes or elsewhere in the body. With prostate cancer, the situation is similar, the researchers report.

If breast and prostate cancer screening really fulfilled their promise, the researchers note, cancers that once were found late, when they were often incurable, would now be found early, when they could be cured. A large increase in early cancers would be balanced by a commensurate decline in late-stage cancers. That is what happened with screening for colon and cervical cancers. But not with breast and prostate cancer.

Still, the researchers and others say, they do not think all screening will — or should — go away. Instead, they say that when people make a decision about being screened, they should understand what is known about the risks and benefits."

It's me again...thanks for taking time to learn about your health and how to take ownership of your health...I look forward to sharing what I'm learning with you!

Blessings on your health--

Friday, October 9, 2009

The 'Good' Negative (Ions) & The 'Bad' Ozone

This article is designed to provide information about air filtration units for homes & offices. Many produce negative ions, which is a great benefit, as you'll learn about below. The majority of these air filtration units that produce negative ions also produce ozone, which is NOT a benefit & can be harmful. Read on....

News about ozone can be confusing. Basically, the ozone layer found high in the upper atmosphere called the stratosphere. This is beneficial because it shields us from much of the sun’s ultraviolet radiation. Ozone air pollution at ground level where we can breathe it--the troposphere--is harmful. It can causes serious health problems. Ozone is capable of causing inflammation in the lung, shortness of breath,
chest pain, wheezing, coughing, asthma attacks & increased susceptibility to respiratory infections. People who inhale ozone during repeated exposure may permanently damage their lungs or suffer from respiratory infections.

Negative ions are good for you. They are found in abundance in places like waterfalls, seashores and rainstorms. Negative ions are water molecules that break apart and take on a negative electrical charge. Most particles in the air have a positive charge, while negative ions have a negative charge. Negative ions are drawn to these positively charged particles by a magnetic attraction. When negative ion concentration in the air is high enough, they will attract floating particles (positive ions) in large numbers. This causes the particle to become too heavy to remain airborne. As a result, the particle will drop out of the air, dramatically reducing their ability to be breathed in.

The more negative ions in the blood, the more efficient the cell can function. The more positive ions (free radicals) there are in the blood, the slower and less efficient the cell's metabolism, which causes the body's cells to become weak resulting in a greater increase in sickness and aging.

The Journal of Applied Microbiology found that the use of negative ions was even found by scientists to reduce the presence of airborne viruses by about 40%. A study featured in the 1987 issue also showed the negative ions are free from any adverse side effects.

Many scientific studies have been conducted over the years (mostly in Europe and Russia) showing how exposure to high levels of negative ions drastically or significantly reduce asthma and allergy symptoms, as well as respiratory-related illness. Studies have also shown a link between negative ion treatment and benefits for migraine headaches, depression, fatigue, sleep, mental performance & concentration, physical performance among athletes & improved burn healing.

Lo-o-o-ong story/article/blog short: Good air filtration units in our homes and offices are definitely powerful ways to build prevention and wellness into our busy lives. Now you're equipped in what to look for: solid air filtration (including a HEPA filter for best filtration), negative ion generation WITHOUT the production of ozone. You will need to check the fine print to make sure your unit doesn't produce ozone, as the majority still do.

Blessings on your health---and on the air you breathe!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Slow Down & Expect Great Health!

Taking steps to improve your overall health doesn't have to be time-consuming, painful or expensive---Check out these SIMPLE ideas below! You may want to make a sign/reminder for yourself to 'Slow Down'! :o)

Slower breathing is one of the simplest ways to better health. Deep breathing lowers stress and reduces systolic blood pressure (the top BP number). It allows oxygen to get down to the smallest airways in our lungs, where the oxygen exchange is most efficient. Quick, shallow breathing causes our bodies to be less oxygenated (not a healthy state to be in).

Slower eating is one of the simplest ways to eat less. This is because of the 'lag time' between when the stretch receptors in your stomach signal it is time to stop eating ('I'm full!') and when your brain gets the message. Researchers at the University of Rhode Island discovered that people who eat slowly consume around 70 less calories/meal. Multiply that by 3 meals a day and you could lose 20 pounds over the next year.

Slowing down in general is one of the simplest ways to prevent accidents. It's impossible to calculate the number of motorists killed or injured each year because they were in a rush. Insurance companies have found that the overwhelming majority of job-site accidents are traceable to hurrying. You actually save time, do better work and prevent more injuries by slowing down.

The last simple step for this blog is to simply Expect To Be Well, no matter what age you are! Obviously we need to take an active role in our health---being 'Owners of our Health' and making good decisions. Couple that along with positive expectations for good health---and you're way ahead of the average American who entertains thoughts like, 'Well, I'm almost 50, so I suppose I'll have a heart atack before long'...or 'Cancer runs in my family, so I suppose I'm next'...What?? Really?? We can't afford to have thoughts like that--We get what we think about!

How about 'changing the tape' and reminding yourself throughout the day of positive messages like 'I take good care of myself and am so blessed to be healthy' and 'I am grateful for my ever-improving health'?

Here's to Continued Great Expectations for your great health!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Flu Vaccines---One More Time

At the risk of 'beating a dead horse' I'm 'going there' once more with important information about flu vaccines. I encourage everyone to become fully informed before deciding to get any flu vaccines. Please don't let the media hype (and there is a ton of it) guide your decisions. Please share this with those you love and care about.

Flu & Flu vaccine facts:
**The flu virus rarely causes death. Most “flu deaths” are due to bacterial pneumonia, which can occur with a weakened immune system.

**Serious reactions to the flu vaccine include, but are not limited to:
Life-threatening allergic reactions, Guillain-Barre Syndrome (a severe paralyzing disease), brain inflammation & other nervous system disorders, blood disorders

**Studies keep coming to the same conclusion: Flu vaccines do not work--and can cause harm. Before the CDC promoted vaccinating children under age 5, the number of children dying from the flu was very low (& declining). In 2003, children age 5 & under started getting vaccinated, resulting in a dramatic increase in the number of flu deaths in this age group.

**Check out this quote taken directly from the 2009-2010 flu vaccine FLULAVAL’s package insert--(which most people never read): " FLULAVAL is an influenza virus vaccine indicated for active immunization of adults 18 years of age and older against influenza disease caused by influenza virus subtypes A and type B contained in the vaccine. This indication is based on immune response elicited by FLULAVAL, and there have been no controlled trials demonstrating a decrease in influenza disease after vaccination with FLULAVAL.” NO CONTROLLED STUDIES TO CHECK EFFECTIVENESS?? Hmmmm....

Some studies (boring, I know, but very revealing):
**October 2008 Archives of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine: Vaccinating young children against the flu had no impact on flu-related hospitalizations or doctor visits during 2 recent flu seasons

**The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2006 (reviewed 51 studies): No evidence found to support that the flu vaccine is any more effective than a placebo in children (Studies involved 260,000 children, age 6 to 23 months)

**2008 study, The Lancet (medical journal): Flu vaccination was not associated with a reduced risk of pneumonia in older people

**American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine: No decrease in deaths from influenza and pneumonia in the elderly, even though vaccination coverage has increased in this age group from 15% in 1980 to 65% presently

**Early each year, 'vaccine experts' travel to Asia to assess which strains of the flu virus are currently active, assuming that the same virus strains will spread to the US by Fall. The US vaccine manufacturers start making that season’s flu vaccine, based on the virus strains found in Asia. If the viral strains circulating in the U.S. that season are not the same as the Asian strains, the vaccine is useless--(and potentially harmful).

**Ingredients found in flu vaccines: Thimerosol (mercury), Aluminum (neurotoxin linked to Alzheimer’s disease), Triton X-100 (detergent), Phenol, Ethylene glycol (antifreeze), Betapropiolactone (disinfectant)

Thanks for being an informed health care participant and taking ownership of your health. Our health is too valuable for anything less!

Blessings of health to you...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sweet...With Side Effects: Artificial Sweeteners

So here's the deal...on artificial sweeteners and how they can affect your health. If you’re clutching your diet soda or other artificially-sweetened product tightly, then this may not be the article for you…or maybe it is…if you’re truly concerned about your health. It may be one of those things that Rachel Ray, from Food Network calls 'Things That Make You Go Hmmmm...'.

Nearly a decade ago, studies were already revealing that artificial sweeteners can stimulate your appetite, increase carbohydrate cravings & stimulate fat storage and weight gain. Hmmm…why are people using artificial sweeteners???

Splenda is the brand name for sucralose. Splenda is a chemical substance and not natural sugar. The makers of Splenda have purchased over 211 domain names, like,, It is their elaborate attempt to prevent any negative information being written on-line. Hmmm…if their products are safe as they say, why are they doing this?

The inventors of Splenda admit that about 15% of sucralose is absorbed by the body, but they cannot guarantee us (out of this 15%) what amount of chlorine stays in the body and what percent flushes out. Wait a minute…chlorine is a cancer-causing agent…Hmmm…

As of 2006, only 6 human trials had been published on Splenda. Of these 6 trials, only 2 of the trials were completed and published before the FDA approved it for human consumption. The 2 published trials had a whopping total of 36 human subjects, of which only 23 total were actually given sucralose for testing. The longest trial at this time had lasted only 4 days, & looked at Splenda in relation to tooth decay, not human tolerance.

The absorption of Splenda in the human body was studied on a whopping total of 6 men-—and based on that 1 human study, the FDA allowed the findings to be generalized as being representative of the entire human population, including women, children, the elderly, and those with any chronic illness. The FDA claims they reviewed over 100 studies conducted on Splenda. The part they don't mention is that most of the studies were on animals.

The web site lists a variety of consumer complaints from Splenda consumption, such as gastrointestinal problems, migraines, seizures, dizziness, blurred vision, allergic reactions, blood sugar increases, & weight gain. Hmmm…why is this considered a weight loss option---and recommended for diabetics?

Equal and Nutrasweet are brand names for aspartame. The FDA approved aspartame as an artificial sweetener for use in solid form during 1981, and in soft drinks during 1983. It is a synthetic chemical consisting of two amino acids, phenylalanine (50 %) and aspartic acid (40 %), and a methyl ester (10 %) that promptly becomes free methyl alcohol (methanol; wood alcohol). Free methyl alcohol is considered a severe poison.

Some side effects of aspartame: decreased vision, headaches, seizures, confusion, drowsiness, tremors, depression, anxiety, insomnia, high blood pressure, shortness of breath, heart pounding, aggravated allergies, the initiation or aggravation of diabetes mellitus, hypoglycemia, depression, other psychiatric states, hyperthyroidism, arthritis & the simulation of multiple sclerosis. There are more---this just gives you an idea of what it can do in your body!

Senior FDA scientists and consultants strongly objected to the release of aspartame products because of the disturbing findings in animal studies (especially the frequency of brain tumors), questionable experimental data, and the absence of extensive pre-marketing trials on humans using real-world products over appropriate research time frames.

The link between aspartame and associated symptoms has been shown by stopping the intake of aspartame-containing products and having the symptoms quickly disappear—as well as restarting aspartame product intake and noting the return of symptoms. Studies have found that around 2/3 of aspartame users with symptoms experienced symptomatic improvement within 2 days after avoiding aspartame. With continued avoidance, their symptoms usually disappeared.

So…are you convinced that artificial sweeteners are not the best option out there? I used to drink diet soda---I looked forward to it every day. That was over 10 years ago—and I honestly don’t miss it. I check food labels to make sure my family & I aren't getting these artificial sweeteners in other forms of food as well.

Safer options are out there: Stevia (Truvia) and agave nectar or syrup are 2 examples. Another step in the right direction of Total Wellness for you and your family. I look forward to your comments!

Be well and Stay well—

Monday, September 7, 2009

What's The Scoop On Calcium Supplements?

It could be a game show question---or a trivia question: How many types of calcium supplements are there? It would take a while to count them all—as manufacturers continue to capitalize on the growing market of aging Americans concerned about osteoporosis. Actually, the big question should be: Which type of calcium will benefit me the most?

I think most of us realize the need for calcium supplements, especially as we get older---and especially if our bodies tend to be ‘acidic.’ Calcium not only helps keep our bones strong---it is also needed for proper function of the GI tract (gut), the liver & kidneys, the neurologic system, the heart…Yes, it qualifies as one of the ‘Biggies!’

Just taking calcium supplements doesn’t seem to be the answer, however, being the US leads the world in taking the most calcium supplements---and also leads the world in osteoporosis rates. What gives?

Here’s what I’ve found in my calcium detective work---hopefully it will help you decide what is best for you. Go check your calcium supplement & see what the main calcium ingredient is called---then read about it below:

Calcium Carbonate (Tums/OsCal/Caltrate/Viactiv) is made from limestone & requires extra stomach acid for absorption. It is the most common type of calcium used in supplements, yet only contains a small amount of usable calcium (~40%), so a large amount may be needed to meet the recommended calcium requirements.

Coral Calcium supplements are also made from limestone, a form of calcium carbonate.

Calcium Citrate (Citracal) provides less usable calcium per pill than calcium carbonate (~21%).

Dolomite, Oyster Shell, and Bone Meal are naturally occurring calcium carbonate sources which may contain heavy metals, including lead.

Another key factor to consider is that many calcium products are sold in tablet form--hard packed tablets that often pass through the entire digestive system without being completely dissolved.

After reading this list, is it any wonder that the US ranks so highly in osteoporosis even when taking the most calcium supplements?

There is a very effective calcium supplement called Hydoxyapatite Calcium (Calcium Plus---what I take!). It is one of the most absorbable and effective forms of calcium for the prevention of bone loss & is considered the preferred storage form of calcium. The surface of hydroxyapatite helps attract & hold in reserve key nutrients that are required along with calcium for healthy bone maintenance. These nutrients include magnesium, boron, phosphorous, and vitamins B6, B12, D & K. The majority of calcium supplements don’t provide these key components necessary for calcium absorption, resulting in a large proportion of the supplement being excreted (or forming kidney stones!). Some supplements add large amounts of a few of these components, with the theory that ‘more is better’—which we know isn’t the case! Nutrients are best absorbed when they are in ‘normal’ proportions that the body easily recognizes.

There you have it---an effective calcium source for those wanting to maintain strong bones.

Check out my blog article from July 20, 2009 (Strong Bones for All) for information on ‘osteoporosis drugs’ for SAFE options for those with osteopenia & osteoporosis who DON’T want to risk the incredible side effects of ‘Sally Fields’ drugs. You’ll learn about a totally safe & effective supplement that helps get the calcium where it needs to be, resulting in not only decreased bone loss but also increased bone mass.

Thanks for taking time to learn---and for taking care of you! Please share this with your friends and family---

Monday, August 24, 2009

Not Another Ear Infection---What To Do??

I’m sure many of you can relate to that middle-of-the-night scenario when your baby wakes up screaming, tugging on one ear, a bit feverish...Ugh---here we go again---another ear infection (and another sleepless night)! The above scenario sometimes continues with the parent making a quick trip to the ER, where the ear infection would be confirmed & a prescription for an antibiotic would be given.

Antibiotics may get rid of the infection a bit more quickly (see studies referred to below), but there are potential side effects as most of you know, like diarrhea---as well as a bigger risk that the bacteria causing the infection will become resistant to commonly used antibiotics, creating 'superbugs' that can't be easily treated. (MRSA is a ‘superbug’).

In recent years, the CDC and medical societies have put great effort into trying to convince parents (& health care professionals) that antibiotics often don’t help with children’s colds and ear infections, particularly for the common ear infection. Studies like those in the next 2 paragraphs clearly show why there is a need for moving away from antibiotics as a first resort.

A clinical study in the United Kingdom compared providing immediate antibiotic therapy with delaying antibiotic therapy for 72 hours in children aged 6 months to 10years. 76% of children in the delayed-treatment group never required antibacterial agents. 70% of the delayed-antibacterial group were symptomatically better at 3 days, whereas 86% of the immediate-treatment group were better. (Washington Post 8-4-09).

Another study showed that children who took antibiotics for an ear infection had a higher risk of further infections over the next 3 years.

The American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Family Physicians published an updated set of guidelines for the treatment of acute ear infections in 2004. These new guidelines recommend limiting the majority of antibiotic treatment for ear infections (acute otitis media) to children under 2 years of age. They adopted an antibiotic-free approach for most older children with ear infections as well. In these guidelines, they recommend treating with pain relievers and initial observation in otherwise healthy children. Antibiotics are recommended for these children only if they do not improve on their own in 48 to 72 hours, or if they develop severe symptoms (high fever or moderate to severe ear pain).

I consider this a BIG step in the right direction. We’re allowing the body to heal itself instead of immediately hitting it with antibiotics that can totally upset the normal GI (gut) bacterial balance & have long-lasting effects.

Warm compresses to the ear may be soothing.
Your health care provider will probably recommend some sort of pain relief option.
Magnetic pads (thin/small) placed behind the ear have been found to be helpful.
Other forms of magnetic technology can be beneficial as well.
Chiropractic adjustments in the cervical spine may be helpful with ear infections as well.

Keeping the immune system strong will decrease the overall likelihood of ear infections, which is the main goal. We do this by ensuring adequate amounts of good quality sleep, solid nutrition (whole food supplements are a great option), adequate intake of good quality water and clean air (air filtration in the home).

May all of you sleep well during this upcoming season of colds, flu & ear infections---Be Well!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Sports Drinks...Are You Sure??

Most of our kids and grandkids are bombarded daily with cool commercials and amazing ads for the 'Sports Drink of the Moment.'
Questions we should be asking:
Are sports drinks really better for us than water? Do they really 'hydrate' us better than water? Can they have negative effects on us or our children?

First, let's check out the sweeteners used in the majority of sports drinks: High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is a commonly used. The reason it is so popular is that it's cheaper and sweeter than sugar and extends the shelf life of foods. Many experts blame increased consumption of HFCS for the growing obesity problem and adverse health effects such as diabetes. A report from the University of California-Berkeley found that students who drink one 20-ounce sports drink every day for a year could gain about 13 pounds. The typical sweet-tart taste of sports drinks doesn't quench thirst, so a person is more likely to keep drinking sports drinks long after water has lost its appeal, which can lead to increased calorie consumption.

Sucralose is an artificial sweetener, originally sold under the trade name Splenda. It is about 600 times sweeter than household sugar and when metabolized does not produce any energy (or calories). Now why would you want to have something in your sports drink that makes it sweet and does not give you energy? In addition, recent studies suggest that artificial sweeteners have been clearly linked to the rise in obesity and metabolic syndrome.

Next, a quick discussion re: sodium. A 20-ounce bottle of Gatorade contains about 27 milligrams of sodium, almost 12% of the recommended daily allowance for kids ages 14 to 18. The Institute of Medicine reports that over 75% of children consume more than the recommended daily allowance of sodium each day (due in large part to processed foods). Endurance and high intensity athletes may benefit from the extra sodium---the average person does not!

Another interesting finding: A study done at the University of Iowa showed that the common sports drink, Gatorade, eroded teeth faster than Coke---Yikes!

Now for the BIG question: Do our kids really need sports drinks? After all, they are in don't they need the extra electrolytes? Not Exactly! Studies have shown that the loss of electrolytes is not extremely prevalent unless a person is sweating profusely for over 60 minutes. Until that time, water is able to replenish what the body loses in sweat. Sports drinks are only necessary in the context of serious sports...endurance and high intensity sports(like marathons & the Arizona Cardinals' preseason training camp).

What to do??
Honestly, the answer is water. Water hydrates better than any other liquid, both before and during exercise. Water tends to be less expensive and more available than any other drink. Juice may be nutritious, but it isn't the best choice for hydration. The fructose, or fruit sugar, reduces the rate of water absorption so cells don't get hydrated as quickly. Sports drinks are fancy sugar/ sucralose water. These 'cool-looking' drinks are becoming a popular beverage of choice, even when sports are not involved. Kids having them with their pizza at lunch is not a healthy scenario!

What to do with kids who don't like to drink water??
Big problem, I know! Explaining why you're not going the route of sports drinks any more is the first step (you don't want your child gaining extra weight, or being at increased risk for diseases like diabetes--as well as dental cavities). Offer the best quality water you can---most tap water tastes BAD (and is BAD for us! *). Keep a pitcher of water in the fridge for a cold drink, which usually goes down better than room temp water. Add a few slices of lemon, lime, orange, strawberry, etc. to the pitcher of water for flavor--it's so good! Just a few slices---cut them in quarters for more taste in the water---experiment with combinations. You may want to start out with alternating sports drinks with the fruit-flavored water. Going from drinking at least one sports drink a day to 3 in a week is great progress! And set a good example for your kids by drinking adequate amounts of water yourself (while avoiding sports drinks!)

One last recommendation: Invest in 'BPA-free' hard plastic water bottles for you & your family---to keep this 'good water' (filtered--flavored with fruit of your choice) in for school & on the road. They're easy to find--I got ours at Target. It's very 'green'---no plastic bottle recycling and much more cost-efficient.

*Several of my June blog entries focus on quality water, pH of water, water filtration & more--please refer to them for further information.

I look forward to your comments and feedback!
Be Well...

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Mass Flu Vaccinations? Who Really Benefits?

I realize this is a longer blog entry---I encourage you to read it & share it with those you love---especially families with school-age children.

One of the biggest 'take-home' messages I hope to convey through these blog messages is to get fully informed on health-related issues that impact you and your family. Take for example, the news coming out about the government considering making the H1N1 flu vaccinations mandatory for our kids from USA Today-June 16,2009:
Schoolchildren could be first in line for swine flu vaccines this fall — and schools are being put on notice that they might even be turned into shot clinics. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said Tuesday she is urging school superintendents around the country to spend the summer preparing for that possibility, if the government goes ahead with mass vaccinations.

Wait a minute---Check out what's happening in Australia, where the winter season has begun. Federal Health Minister Nicola Roxon is reassuring parents the swine flu is no more dangerous than regular seasonal flu. "Most people, including children, will experience very mild symptoms and recover without any medical intervention," she said. Hmmm...why such a discrepancy between countries?

It's crucial to understand that these vaccines are experimental, untested, potentially toxic and can be extremely dangerous to the human immune system. Flu vaccines can also contain a number of chemical toxins, including ethylene glycol (antifreeze), formaldehyde, phenol (carbolic acid) and even antibiotics like Neomycin and streptomycin. In addition to the viruses and other additives, many vaccines also contain immune adjuvants like aluminum and squalene. Squalene-based adjuvants can cause a multitude of health challenges, including auto-immune disorders.

The purpose of an adjuvant added to a vaccine is to boost your immune response to the vaccination. They make your immune system overreact to the introduction of the organism you’re being vaccinated against and are also supposed to get the job done faster, reducing the amount of vaccine required per dose & the number of doses given to each person.

Less vaccine required per person means more individual doses available for mass vaccination campaigns. This is exactly the goal of government and the pharmaceutical companies who stand to make millions (?billions) from their vaccines.

Not all squalene is bad--it depends on whether you ingest it naturally (as in olive oil which provides antioxidant effects) or whether it is unnaturally injected into the body. Injection of squalene provokes the immune system to attack all the squalene in the body, not just the vaccine adjuvant, including in places where it occurs naturally, and is vital to the health of our nervous system. Gulf War veterans with Gulf War Syndrome received anthrax vaccines which contained squalene, which has been linked to the devastating autoimmune diseases suffered by numerous Gulf War vets.

Many vaccine researchers are very concerned about this upcoming swine flu vaccination program, especially in light of the fact that the Washington Post has confirmed that the swine flu vaccine WILL contain mercury. U.S. health authorities are actually recommending that kids get FOUR flu shots this fall. Four shots that contain mercury?? Really??

According to the CDC, approximately 36,000 people die each year in the U.S. from the regular flu. That averages to about 100 people a day. The total number of confirmed mortalities in the U.S. from the swine flu since the virus was identified in March is less than 200, less than the number of people who die in two days from the regular flu. Yet don't be surprised if you soon start to see propaganda for mandatory vaccination, starting with our children. Mandatory vaccines bring billions of dollars to big pharmaceutical companies and more control to politicians.

What a lot of people don’t know is that true type A or type B influenza only causes about 20 percent of all flu-like symptoms that people experience during any given flu season. 80 percent of all flu-like illness in a normal flu season is NOT caused by the type A and B strains of influenza for which annual flu shots are given. And vaccine acquired immunity is temporary, while immunity gained after recovering from influenza is longer lasting.

In some states, like Massachusetts, public health doctors have persuaded legislators to quickly pass pandemic influenza legislation that will allow state officials to enter homes and businesses without the approval of occupants; to investigate and quarantine individuals without their consent; to require licensed health care providers to give citizens vaccines and to ban the free assembly of citizens in the state. Wow, where do we live? Is this the US, the home of the Free, home of the Well-Informed?

There is virtually no science to support the safety of vaccine injections on our long-term health or the health of our children. Follow-up studies last on average about two weeks, and look only for glaring injuries and illnesses. The presumed intent of a vaccination is to help a person build immunity to potentially harmful organisms that cause illness and disease. However, our body’s immune system is already designed to do this in response to organisms which invade your body naturally.

Realize that you can say NO to vaccines that you don't believe are in your best interest (or your family's!). This is what my family & I are doing to keep our immune systems strong and greatly minimize our risk of getting the flu:
Good quality sleep each night
Healthy eating (minimize sugar intake, which really 'hits' the immune system)
Adequate water intake (1/2 body weight in ounces/day)
Regular exercise (Walking!)
Basic nutritional supplements, including an Immunity whole food product to daily 'feed' our immune systems

May you and your family be blessed with health that YOU are in control of and informed about--

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Difference Between Jill & Sue...

I gave a speech in Toastmaster's yesterday---poor guys---they have to endure all my 'health' related speeches. They give me great feedback before I take my speeches 'to the masses!' Here's how my talk went, in a nutshell:

Please join me in my Virtual Time Machine as we follow 2 women over a 20 year span of time. Jill, from Dallas and Sue, from Chicago. Both women are quite similar: married, 2 teenage children, part-time jobs, very busy with community activities, relatively 'healthy'...and both were raised in a typical 'Western Medicine' lifestyle (have a symptom, take a medication, etc). There is one major difference between Jill & Sue. Sue has watched several family members, friends & coworkers deal with both major & minor health challenges over the past several years and has recently made the decision to 'not go that route'---to take some ownership in her health and health-related decisions.

Our journey starts with Jill & Sue in their early 40's. The first health challenge they both encounter is poor sleep. Jill tells her Dr. about it & is given a sleeping pill prescription. She finds that it helps somewhat, but she's still waking up tired with low energy. Meanwhile, Sue decides to take control. She minimizes her caffeine intake, starts walking a few days/week, settles into a regular bedtime routine & begins using safe, clinically-proven sleep technologies with great success.

The second health challenge is heartburn. Jill has heard all about the 'purple pill' and finds it very easy to get. She has some concerns about being on another medication, knowing that there are side effects---she just hopes she doesn't get the side effects. Meanwhile, Sue had read about heartburn being a symptom of dehydration, so she now drinks at least 1/2 her body weight in ounces of water each day and works on adding more vegetables to her diet, which have an alkalinizing effect. She finds her heartburn gone within a few days!

Next come achy knees. Both Jill & Sue were runners in their early 20's--and now arthritic changes have set in. Jill is given 'NSAIDS' (anti-inflammatories) by her physician. The first one didn't work--neither did the second one--the third one seemed to help (although it had a 'black box' warning on the bottle). When the pain got worse, Jill was given steroid injections in her knees, which, again, helped for a while. Meanwhile, Sue learned that adequate water intake helps with joint health, so she continued on her water drinking plan---along with a safe, clinically-proven joint health supplement, and magnetic & far-infrared technologies with great success: no more pain!

At age 50, Jill & Sue had a DEXA scan (bone density scan) & were both told they had osteoporosis. Yikes! Jill joined the 'Sally Fields Team' taking one of the biphosphonates (even though she has heard about the major side effects, including cancer and deterioration of the jaw bone)--she wasn't aware of any other options, so she just hoped & prayed she wouldn't get the side effects. Meanwhile, Sue learned about a totally safe & clinically-proven bone density-building nutritional product, which she started taking, along with calcium. DEXA scans 2 years later showed Jill with continuing osteoporosis and Sue with normal bone density.

The last two challenges 'popped up' together: high blood pressure and weight gain. Jill has been 'trying' various diets with minimal success & maximum frustration. She decided to 'go for it' with gastric bypass surgery. The thought of surgery scares her--along with the potential complications she was told about, but ultimately decided that this would be the quickest, easiest route to go. The Dr. also prescribed a new medication for her high BP. Meanwhile, Sue is already sleeping well & is drinking adequate amounts of water. Her BP is elevated, but not to the point of Jill's. She makes the decision to make exercise a priority EVERY day (she loves walking---and how it makes her feel!) She also makes a 'deal' with her Dr. to take a BP medication for the short term (no more than 4-6 months) while she ramps up on her exercise and diet, increasing her fruits & veggies to become the main part of her diet. Both women have normal BP readings after 6 months---the difference being that Sue's BP is normal without medication!

Let's take a tally after the 20 years:
Sue is now on 5 regular medications for her health challenges and 2 meds to counteract side effects from the regular medications. She has had 4 knee steroid knee injections & her knees still frequently bother her. She has had 1 major surgery and 1 minor surgery (for gastric bypass complications). She really doesn't feel health--low energy, painful knees, over 1/2 her weight that was lost with gastric bypass has returned--not quite what she was looking for!
Meanwhile, Sue sleeps well at night, has no heartburn or achy knees, is close to her ideal weight and has a normal Blood Pressure---all without meds or surgery. She has great energy & is enjoying this stage of her life, not even feeling like she's 60 years old!

Most of us end up in a 'box' (like Sue) created by Western medicine (pharmaceutical companies, to be exact) where we are led to believe that the only way of treating health challenges is with drugs or surgery. Sue chose to 'step out of her box'...her 'comfort zone' and be in charge of her health.

I leave you with this challenge: Choose your boxes carefully--Get rid of boxes that aren't serving you well--and may you be blessed with great health and long life!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Who's Writing the Medical Research? Hmmm....

Who's writing the medical research? The answer should be very straight-forward and simple: by the authors (often physicians) listed in the published article. Not necessarily you read the excerpt below from the August 5, 2009 New York Times. (The definition of a 'ghostwriter' is a writer who gives the credit of authorship to someone else). Just another powerful reminder of how important it is for us to 'Take Ownership of our Health.' One of the best ways to do so is by minimizing or eliminating the amount of drugs/medications we take---replacing them (working with your healthcare provider to do so) with SAFE, natural, clinically-proven options.

Medical Papers by Ghostwriters Pushed Therapy 8/5/2009 NYTimes.
Newly unveiled court documents show that ghostwriters paid by a pharmaceutical company played a major role in producing 26 scientific papers backing the use of hormone replacement therapy in women, suggesting that the level of hidden industry influence on medical literature is broader than previously known.

The articles, published in medical journals between 1998 and 2005, emphasized the benefits and de-emphasized the risks of taking hormones to protect against maladies like aging skin, heart disease and dementia. That supposed medical consensus benefited Wyeth, the pharmaceutical company that paid a medical communications firm to draft the papers, as sales of its hormone drugs, called Premarin and Prempro, soared to nearly $2 billion in 2001.

But the seeming consensus fell apart in 2002 when a huge federal study on hormone therapy was stopped after researchers found that menopausal women who took certain hormones had an increased risk of invasive breast cancer, heart disease and stroke. A later study found that hormones increased the risk of dementia in older patients.

The ghostwritten papers were typically review articles, in which an author weighs a large body of medical research and offers a bottom-line judgment about how to treat a particular ailment. The articles appeared in 18 medical journals, including The American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and The International Journal of Cardiology.

The court documents provide a detailed paper trail showing how Wyeth contracted with a medical communications company to outline articles, draft them and then solicit top physicians to sign their names, even though many of the doctors contributed little or no writing. The documents suggest the practice went well beyond the case of Wyeth and hormone therapy, involving numerous drugs from other pharmaceutical companies.

“It’s almost like steroids and baseball,” said Dr. Joseph S. Ross, an assistant professor of geriatrics at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, who has conducted research on ghostwriting. “You don’t know who was using and who wasn’t; you don’t know which articles are tainted and which aren’t.”

Wyeth faces about 8,400 lawsuits from women who claim that the company’s hormone drugs caused them to develop illnesses.

Blessings of Health and Wellness---

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A Healthy Cause And Effect

Remember learning about 'cause & effect in school? Simple concept: An action or event occurs, resulting in a certain effect. You drive over the speed limit-->you get a eat a pint of ice cream every evening-->you gain forget to take your puppy outside-->he poops on the floor (personal experience with that one!)

How about applying that simple concept to our health---especially when we're looking at common health challenges? Standard protocol (ie. Western Medicine) often tends to overlook this step, with a prescription or procedure being recommended for specific symptoms or complaints. Examples include pain pills for an aching back, antacids for heartburn, antidepressants for poor sleep, laxatives for constipation, steroid injections for inflammed joints/body parts, high blood pressure medications for high blood pressure...the list goes on. A person can get some relief with these measures, as long as the medication continues---

Here's a thought: How about figuring out the cause of the health challenge & addressing that as a way to get rid of the symptoms?
Below are examples of what it could look like:
Aching back: Chiropractic adjustment for alignment, massage therapy for muscle relaxation, magnetic technology to help with relaxation & minimize the ache, & specific back exercised to strengthen the affected muscles & prevent further problems
Heartburn: Drinking half your body weight in ounces each day of good quality (slightly alkaline is best) use of far-infrared comforter at night when sleeping (Remember, heartburn is a symptom of dehydration)
Poor sleep: Counseling on bedtime routines that promote good sleep, reducing/avoiding caffeine, good quality calcium supplement at bedtime, magnetic sleep technology for deep, quality sleep
Constipation: Nutrition counseling on high fiber diet that minimizes processed foods, adequate water intake, encouragement of regular exercise, probiotics/prebiotics to help restore 'flora' of the gut
Inflamed joints: Adequate water intake, use of safe & natural technologies such as far-infrared and magnetics to work with the body in healing itself, Bio-replenishment products to help the body heal itself
High blood pressure: Nutrition counseling on healthy eating with focus of reaching & maintaining ideal weight, regular exercise, adequate water intake, good quality sleep (BP meds may need to be a short-term 'fix' while lifestyle issues like these are addressed)

I realize this requires a whole new way of thinking for some of us---and isn't it about time to look at some new (SAFE & EFFECTIVE) ways of thinking, especially when we're talking about our health and our family's health! Food for thought, hmmm? I look forward to your comments. I have previous blogs that explain some of the technologies mentioned in this one if you have questions.

Be Well!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly...Bacteria, that is...

My sweet husband is a Clint Eastwood fan & is trying to impart his enjoyment of Clint's old western classics on our son, age 13...not sure it's working, though! One of my husband's favorites is 'The Good, The Bad & The Ugly'---and as they (husband & son) were watching it last night, my quirky brain started thinking about bacteria (strange, I know!)---specifically the bacteria that lives in our GI tract (our gut, in other words). I realize many of you have heard of the 'good bacteria' and the 'bad bacteria' in our gut---and no, I honestly don't think there is a category of 'ugly' bacteria, but I'm sure some of it has to be not that pretty...hence, ugly!

God created our amazing bodies to have a certain balance of bacteria in our GI tract. The 'good' bacteria help us absorb food and minerals, along with manufacturing vitamin K & some B vitamins. Some names of these beneficial bacteria you may have heard of include acidophilus and bifidobacterium. When our gut is healthy, the growth of good bacteria helps to crowd out disease-causing bacteria and make conditions unfavorable for their growth. A very important function they perform is helping the colon maintain a proper pH or acid-base balance. (Wow, it seems like pH balance is HUGE! See related articles on body pH and alkalinity in my past blogs).

Unlike the good bacteria, we don't want the 'bad' (disease-causing) bacteria, like certain strains of E. coli, C. diff. and streptococci-to take up residence inside our bodies. Besides making us sick, bad bacteria can also act to putrefy meat and other food left waiting to be digested in the colon. The 'bad' bacteria can produce enzymes that convert chemicals to carcinogens (cancer-causing agents). They also create free radicals (which can promote cancer growth). People who eat diets that are high in meat and low in fiber are at increased risk for colon cancer due in part to this fact.

One of the most common ways for our good/bad bacterial balance in the gut to become out of balance is with the use of antibiotics. Antibiotics are prescribed for dozens of common ailments, which, in the process of killing the bacteria for which they are prescribed, also kill off the friendly bacteria in our intestines. This can severely impair digestion and absorption of nutrients at a time when our body needs them most. I fully realize that antibiotics are necessary at times--even life-saving at times. The key is appropriate use of antibiotics, since increasing numbers of studies are showing that antibiotic treatment, especially when prolonged or repeated, can have a negative impact on beneficial bacteria that live in the gut.

The 'good' bacteria in our gut are called probiotics (meaning 'for life'). 'Bad' bacteria are harmful to our health. These are the bacteria that often require the need for antibiotics (meaning 'against life').

Lactobacillus acidophilus, commonly called acidophilus, and Bifidobacterium bifidum are 'good' bacteria found in our gut. They are also the most common types of probiotic supplements. Probiotics are also found naturally in fermented foods, like yogurt with live cultures, kefir, miso and sauerkraut. Probiotic supplements (available in capsules, liquids and powders) provide a large dose of bacteria beneficial to the gastrointestinal tract, and therefore, overall immunity. These 'good' bacteria crowd out disease-causing microorganisms and often improve bowel regularity.

Prebiotics are substances that feed and promote the growth of friendly probiotics. The two most common prebiotics are whey and fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS). Whey is the liquid that remains after the curd is removed from milk when making cheese. Primarily water, whey also contains minerals (potassium, calcium and phosphorus), lactose, fat and water-soluble vitamins. Fructo-oligosaccharides or "FOS" are naturally occurring short chains of fructose (fruit sugar)--found in small amounts in fruits and vegetables like tomatoes, onions, barley, wheat, rye, chicory root, garlic, Jerusalem artichokes, bananas, and honey.

A powerful, natural occuring prebiotic is lactoferrin. Lactoferrin also has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral effects. My family & I take Lactoferrin Gold, a natural product designed to help balance the gut's bacteria as well as provide great immune support. Just another very simple easy step toward you 'build' prevention into your lives.

Be Well---And STAY Well!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Strong Bones For All--Safely!

Concerns over 'bone health'...osteopenia...osteoporosis...continue to mount in the US. It's hard to understand why, being the US consumes more calcium supplements than any other country in the world---and even more hard to believe the US leads the world in rate of osteoporosis!

Osteoporosis does not occur overnight. It takes years and years to be detected clinically and even longer to become incapacitating to the individual. It is estimated that half of the people in the US over age of 50 have low bone density. This leads to over 1.5 million fractures a year, with some requiring surgery for repair (which comes with inherent risks of complications). Of those in this category that fracture their hip, 30% end up in long-term nursing care.

Routine treatment for osteopenia & osteoporosis has been calcium supplementation in various forms, vitamin D of different types, as well as bisphosphanates (like Fosamax ) which has been linked to abdominal pain, esophageal ulcers, jaw joint destruction and cancer.

Bones serve as the support framework for the body, the other main function of our bones is to as well as acting as a mineral bank for calcium, phosphorous, etc. Up to 1 Gram of calcium is needed each day for multiple functions in our body, like heart & nerve function and the GI tract. The calcium is withdrawn from your bones each day. Just like in any money bank account, both men and women need continuous deposits of calcium to keep the reservoir full when there are regular withdrawals.

The key is prevention and providing a mechanism for the oral calcium we take to be better absorbed and transported to where it is needed. Medications (like biphosphonates) do not serve this purpose. Their goal is to stop or slow bone resorption, and, as we're hearing more and more about, they pose serious health concerns in the process.

That's why I take a revolutionary 'bone health' product, designed to decrease bone resorption (that's good!) and increase new bone formation (that's even better!)--clinically proven & without any side effects. Contact the person who forwarded this blog site to you---or contact me if you have questions or concerns about your bone health---or the bone health of someone you love.

Here's to strong bones...our whole life through...just like God meant it to be!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Barley Grass...Not just for cows anymore!

Great---now we're talking about eating 'cow food'! I can just about imagine the look on many of your faces :o) Let me explain...and take a deep breath, knowing that something so incredibly good for you doesn't require grazing or any other 'cow-like' activity---it's much more convenient than that.

So just what is barley grass?
Organic barley grass is highly alkaline (very good for us!) and is rich in enzymes (helps with digestion), especially Superoxide Dismutase (SOD). Research is showing that the human life span of humans is directly proportional to the SOD content in the heart, brain and liver. Barley grass contains large amounts of potassium, calcium and magnesium as well as beta-carotene and chlorophyll. It is seven times richer in vitamin C than the equivalent weight of oranges, and five times richer in iron than spinach. It also has a purifying effect that enables the body to eliminate many toxins that would otherwise accumulate (we can all benefit from this detoxifying effect).

Barley grass is one of the green grasses - the only vegetation on earth that can supply sole nutritional support from birth to old age. Before green grasses undergo the reproductive cycle that creates the grains, they are in the grass stage, and the grasses contain about the same vitamins and minerals as dark green vegetables. When grasses are harvested at a young age, they have a different chemical makeup from their adult counterparts. For example, wheat grass has 32 g of protein per 100 g, while wheat flour has only 13 g per 100 g. Wheat grass has about 23,000 International Units (IUs) of vitamin A per 100 g, while wheat flour has none. Great nutrition!

Green barley grass has a great alkalizing effect, which helps balance the acidity and alkalinity in our body fluids. Our cells cannot adequately function if the pH (which measures acidity and alkalinity) is not in a narrow range. Most processed foods are acidic, and when we consume too many of them, the acidity-alkalinity balance is upset. Green barley grass contains buffer minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Buffer minerals neutralize acidic materials and can help maintain a healthy acidity-alkalinity balance.

Some benefits of regular barley grass supplementation:
*Alkalizing effect
*Increased energy & alertness
*Less craving for junk foods
*Relief of muscle and joint aches
*Lessened allergy & heartburn symptoms
*Improved digestion
*Improved blood sugar balance
*Improved cholesterol maintenance

Barley grass leaf extract has also been found to inhibit the growth of human prostatic cancer cells grown in tissue culture---powerful! And it's a 'Whole Food' which means our bodies quickly & easily absorb it & put it to use.

My family & I have been taking a certain barley grass extract (simple powder or capsule form) for several years now. We've learned that all barley products are NOT created equal! I truly believe barley grass is the one foundational nutritional supplements that can (and should!) be taken by everyone.

Yet another simple, effective way to build wellness into our lives.

To your ever-improving health & wellness--
PS: Let me know if you have questions about any of these topics!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Making The Most Of Your Health Care Dollars

I know statistics are boring--Please hang with me--I promise to be brief with them, OK? I've found that they can impact on our thinking...which can in turn impact our actions...and ultimately our health!

Here we go:
**Americans spend twice as much per person, on health care, as any other country--yet we still have some of the world's highest rates of heart disease, cancer, arthritis, diabetes, and mental illness. We should, by all rights, be the healthiest country in the world with this kind of spending! NOT the best use of our health care dollars. This fact alone is evidence enough that our current medical system is broken and in need of a complete overhaul--which, as we've been learning starts with each of us taking Ownership Of Our Health.

**Today in the US, 1 in 3 women and 1 in 2 men will get cancer. And that's after pouring more than $50 billion dollars over the past 30 years into fight against cancer. This research has resulted in a 13% increase in the incidence of cancer and a 7% increase in the overall death rate of cancer. Not quite the results one would expect after $50 billion dollars, huh? Are our health care dollars hard at work?? A more effective approach: Learning and incorporating SIMPLE & EFFECTIVE ways to minimize our cancer risk--of which there are plenty! I've addressed some of these in my past blogs--and will continue to do so.

**Over 100,000 people die from adverse reactions to drugs each year in the US, which means taking a prescription drug is the number 4 cause of death, after heart disease/stroke, cancer and diabetes. More current data is showing that it may be actually 2nd or 3rd in cause of death, instead of 4th. Bottom line? We need to take Ownership Of Our Health NOW and minimize the need for prescription meds as much as possible. Think of the impact that would have our health care dollars!

Let's end on a positive note, knowing that our frame of mind impacts our health as well! Did you know that not one American has died from vitamin use (or abuse) in the past ten years---yet 17,000 die from OTC (over the counter) pain killers? Obviously the quality of vitamins (nutritional supplements) makes a huge difference. I have some blogs referencing this---and again, more to come!

The world is becoming divided into health care professionals who prevent disease and promote wellness and health care professionals who treat sickness. Which category does your health care provider/professional(s) fall into? Are they advising you on health and long-term wellness? Do they fit into the category of 'healthy individuals'? Great food for thought---after all, we only get one body for this lifetime--no trade-in's! What a great common goal: making the most of our health care dollars--let's do it!

Blessings on your health--

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Which Do You Prefer...Exercise or Physical Activity?

It seems as though the media (along with other entities) is trying to soften or 'pretty up' the concept of regular exercise by calling it 'physical activity' (which it is, obviously). So call it whatever you choose---to make it sound appealing---then just DO IT! Below is some serious ammunition (health reasons) to spur you on:

Exercise helps prevent obesity, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, hormone imbalances, depression and some forms of cancer.(This is actually a US law: 103-417!)

The CDC reports that 70% of Americans are not active enough to benefit their health. Not a surprise to the majority of us---A definite 'wake-up call' though!

Medical studies have shown that 90 minutes of exercise a week controlled depression better than tri-cyclic antidepressant drugs. The benefits took 8 weeks to reach this level. WOW!

By combining exercise with nutritional supplementation you get exponential benefits to the immune function:
*Humans that took nutritional supplements increased NK cells 18% for 6 hours. (Natural Killer cells--they're good guys! They destroy fatal viruses, cancers, and bacteria)
*Humans that exercised increased NK cells 13% for 6 hours.
*Humans that did both increased NK cells 255% for 20 hours!!

Walking is one of the best forms of exercise. Take out your calendar and schedule it in your day. What a great investment to make in your's FREE as well! (Unless you need a new pair of walking shoes---or opt for a pair of weighted fitness shoes like I wear each morning!).

The benefits are TOO GREAT to ignore. Start your regular exercise plan TODAY--don't wait for a new month, a new season, a new walking outfit---just DO IT!

Blessings of health to you--

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Preventive Maintenance---For YOU!

Ask anyone who recently purchased a new car if they plan on getting the oil changed regularly--and following the preventive maintenance plan found in the Owner's Manual. The typical answer is, "of course!" When asked why, their answer would be something on the order of, "to make it last longer and work more efficiently." It's not a hard concept for the vast majority of car owners to grasp---that's why we see the 'Grease Monkeys' and 'Oil Can Harry's' around---to make it convenient for necessary vehicle maintenance.

The car analogy is not's just a great way to 'wrap your mind' around the idea of 'Personal Preventive Maintenance.' We realize the benefits of regular oil changes, fluid checks, tire rotations, filter changes, etc for our vehicles---so we make sure it gets done. And no, insurance doesn't pay for it! We know we'll end up paying much more in the long run, though, if we forego the preventive maintenance.

If we're making sure this happens for our vehicles, why on earth are so many people not doing the same for their bodies?? At least we can get a new vehicle if the current one breaks down completely. We can't get a new body! And if we wait until our bodies break down, we know that it will cost more and take longer to get 'back to normal'---and sometimes normal is not even an option.

What does Personal Preventive Maintenance look like? Biggies on the list include:
*Getting good quality sleep in adequate amounts nightly
*Drinking 1/2 our body weight in ounces each day--good quality drinking water
*Using an air filtration system in our home (that doesn't produce ozone)
*Eating a balanced diet with an emphasis on veggies and fruit (minimimizing processed foods)
*Taking basic whole food supplements to make sure our bodies are getting the nutrition they need
*Getting regular exercise (walking 30 minutes a day)
*Regular health screenings, depending on age (mammogram, colonoscopy, BP checks...)

As you can see, none of it is rocket science. If you're serious about 'getting healthy' and taking Ownership of your Health' choose one of the above and make it a priority---'build' it into your daily routine.

I have ideas and recommendations to help make this process easier as well. My family and I have been enjoying the benefits of 'personal preventive maintenance' for years.

Time to go get my oil changed on my vehicle (thank goodness there are no muffler bearings to grease!) :o)

Be Well...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Smoke Detectors & Sickness Detectors

You know the feeling...after a busy day...looking forward to falling into bed for a great night's sleep...the end to a great day, right?

Now imagine a most annoying sound...the chirping/beeping noise of a smoke detector in need of a new battery! The chirp/beep noise broke the quietness of the evening around 10:15PM---just as I was getting ready for bed. My husband was out of town last night (how does that work?), so I figured out which smoke alarm it was (not hard--just follow the annoying chirp/beep to where it is the loudest) & hauled the ladder in from the garage (10 foot ceilings--step stools don't work!). I even had extra 9 volt batteries (from the last time this happened in the middle of the night), so I put one in my pocket & climbed up. OK, now...let's balance on the ladder...try to unscrew the smoke detector unit from the ceiling overhead & pull the battery out...all while balancing...Hmmm. Easier said than done! I finally wiggled the battery out & finally wiggled the new one into place & climbed down the ladder---only to hear the annoying chirp---AGAIN!

Long story short---after about 10 more trips up & down the ladder, reinserting the battery a few times, putting yet another battery in, waiting to see if the chirping stopped---Mission Accomplished--around 11PM! The chirping was intermittent--- everything seemed fine after inserting the battery, so I would climb down the ladder, wait a few minutes, only to hear it chirp/beep again! I admit I resorted to Googling in my frustration...using the key words of 'smoke detector chirping'---only to find that millions of others had dealt with similar challenges---all seeming to take place during the night! One gal had posted a question on one of the websites, wondering why 'they' couldn't make the alarms (chirp/beep noise) go off during the day instead of night-time. That would be convenient, wouldn't it? (I'm thinking she was blonde--but then so am I!) :o)

All I really wanted to do was drop into bed (my wonderful sleep system) & go to sleep, but the chirp/beep was something not to be ignored---and no, the chirping/beeping doesn't stop just by taking the battery out---the problem has to be taken care of!

Now imagine once annoying chirp/beep noise that went off whenever our bodies started developing a sickness or disease...with the annoying noise continuing until we corrected the problem. A 'Sickness Detector' of sorts...what a concept!

Most diseases take several years to show up with symptoms--and then it's often a huge challenge to get back to total health. A person doesn't just 'catch' heart disease one day...or high blood pressure...or diabetes...or cancer, to name a few of the 'biggies' out there. An alarm that wouldn't stop until we addressed the problem by making simple lifestyle changes---things would look a bit different around here, I would say---we'd be looking at a lot more healthier people!

That's what building prevention into our lives is all about---except for the annoying chirping/beeping part! We've learned that good health doesn't just happen. And being proactive can make a huge difference in keeping those alarms from sounding. It's called Taking Ownership of our Health, instead of waiting for 'something bad' to happen...or letting your health care practitioner 'call the shots.'

I know I can avoid the annoying late night/middle of the night chirping/beeping of the smoke detectors with preventive maintenance of changing the batteries regularly---which we're going to start doing!

Isn't it time for each of us to make sure our 'Preventive Maintenance Plan' is in place for ourselves and our families? Watch for upcoming blogs on this---and email or post your questions!

Sleep Well with no chirp/beeps, knowing you're on the track to Total Wellness....

Monday, July 6, 2009

Showering Basics: No Chlorine!

If you were worried about a boring blog outlining the basics on how to take a shower---No Worries! Let's just assume that we all have that 'basic' down. :o)

What you may not realize is that drinking water (tap water) is not the only way to absorb toxic substances including chlorine. Chlorination of municipal water systems produces by-products which can cause serious health concerns. These byproducts have been associated with a variety of serious health challenges, like cancer, birth defects, kidney & liver damage, immune system suppression and neurologic problems.

These chlorine byproducts can be absorbed through our skin when bathing and showering. Certain byproducts, like trihalomethanes, enter our lungs when we inhale the steamy air during bathing. The amount of byproducts absorbed through our skin and lungs during bathing may be even greater in amount than one would ingest in a normal day of drinking tap water.

We realize that water disinfection with chlorine-type products decreases the level of microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses and cysts in the water. Chlorine is a reasonably inexpensive disinfectant, not too difficult to use and serves a variety of other purposes, including controlling color and odor. It does a pretty good job at cleaning up our water sources.

Just remember---our bodies were not designed to absorb chlorine (or any chlorine derivative)! An easy solution our family uses is a simple showerhead designed to filter out chlorine. It's great taking a shower without smelling the chlorine, having it dry out our skin and potentially causing significant health challenges.

Some of you may be wondering about swimming in a chlorinated pool...a way to minimize absorbing chlorine is to take a shower before jumping in. This decreases the amount of chlorine absorbed.

Be Well---and Be Thankful for Good Health!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Freedom To Take Ownership Of Your Health

We are very blessed as a nation to live in a country with such ready access to healthcare. We know that most people in the world don't have this luxury. But...would you agree that good access to healthcare DOES NOT ALWAYS EQUAL good health to those it serves?

American medicine sometimes causes more harm than good. The number of people having adverse drug reactions to prescribed medications while hospitalized is 2.2 million. The CDC reported the number of unnecessary antibiotics prescribed annually for viral infections in 1995 was 20 million. That number has now grown into the tens of millions of unnecessary antibiotics. (I'll explain in an upcoming blog about what frequent/unnecessary antibiotics can do to our 'gut' or GI tract).

The number of unnecessary medical and surgical procedures performed annually is 7.5 million. The number of people exposed to unnecessary hospitalization annually is 8.9 million.

As you read about these huge numbers, it may appear that the American medical system is the leading cause of death and injury in the United States! This may be a surprise to some---appalling to others---and extremely obvious to yet others.

I'm not saying that healthcare in the US is all bad...there's just great room for improvement. The first step is the decision to take OWNERSHIP of our health, not leaving our health up to chance...or in the hands of others (even healthcare providers). Don't get me wrong---I'm a healthcare provider...a Registered Nurse. My point is that it is that each of is is responsible for working with trusted healthcare providers, taking the time to learn about various options that are available, and then making the best decision based on solid information.

This is a totally different scenario from showing up for a medical appointment, telling where it hurts, being handed a few prescriptions & driving on the the pharmacy to get them filled---without first learning what is causing the health challenge or symptoms, discussing various options for treatment (including potential side effects), and focusing on simple lifestyle changes that will have longlasting effects.

We have the FREEDOM to take ownership of our health. We often don't realize what a gift our health is until it is threatened or gone.

Enjoy your many freedoms this 4th of July holiday---including your freedom to take back ownership of your health!

In Health...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Choose Joy!

A little different topic, I realize---but just you wait!

A new friend of mine--a most amazing woman--included a 'tip' in her recent blog about pain being inevitable...misery being optional...and how we can all choose joy.

There's actually research about is FREE! It requires no prescription! It won't interfere with anything else in your life (oh, except maybe misery). And...there are no side effects (oh, except for being infectious around others...but that's a good thing...just more joy!)

A researcher from Pittsburgh Cancer Institute found the level of joy to be the second best predictor of survival time among patients with recurring breast cancer. How powerful is that??

Researchers have also found a high correlation between a person's level of assertiveness and fighting spirit (Game On!) and their immune levels. (The greater the fighting spirit and assertiveness, the higher functioning of the immune system--this is good!)

A researcher from Harvard conducted a 10-year study of 1,300 men that considered themselves optimists. They were found to have only half the incidence of heart disease compared to non-optimists (that would be the pessimists, right?) :o)

So...especially as we head into a wonderful holiday weekend where we celebrate our independence in the great USA, choose joy. Even when we may not be at a point where there is much joy in the current situation, we still have the choice to choose what we focus on and think about. Choose joy---Every time!

May you be blessed with great joy...and great health!