Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A SAFE Alternative to Tamiflu If You Get The Flu

Even healthy people can be hit with a flu bug (not necessarily the swine flu!)--especially when traveling (think poor air filtration on planes...), when sleep-deprived or around a bunch of other 'sickies'. Tamiflu (or some pharmaceutical variation) is quickly prescribed with urgency to start it right away for best effects.

There are definite concerns for taking Tamiflu---read the package insert! Tamiflu is only partially effective,very expensive, and the side effects are so bad (& dangerous) that it has been banned in Japan. (I wonder if our FDA is aware of this...)

Several years ago, the New York Times (2/5/05) stated that the World Health Organization (WHO) admitted that Tamiflu is not as effective as previously believed. So why is it still being promoted so heavily? Hmmm...$$ to be made? Hmmm...

The Sydney (Australia) Herald (4/20/09) reported that a Japanese study had been completed on the side effects of Tamiflu with negative results. A major reason for the study was to determine if Japan should lift its ban on Tamiflu, which, the Herald article stated, was very unlikely because of the of the conclusion of that study. Out of 10,000 test cases of Tamiflu used by young people under 18, over half exhibited unusual behavior after taking Tamiflu, with some behavior as extreme as attempting or committing suicide. Eighteen deaths among young Japanese were associated with taking Tamiflu!

The 1918 flu pandemic reached such a high death toll primarily due to secondary bacterial infections. There is evidence that the use of Tamiflu creates an invitation to secondary bacterial infections. The 'normal' side effects include fatigue, dizziness, vomiting, headache and coughing. The only positive of this very expensive medication is symptom relief for 1 1/2 days out of a 6-day flu. (The side effects mimic the flu symptoms anyway!)

There is an alternative for several flu viruses---a natural remedy that has no side effects and is inexpensive. (How cool is that?) It's been around for quite some time as a cold cure, but more recently has proven effective against flus. It is Black Elderberry extract.

In 1992, a team of Israeli scientists studied the effect of elderberry on flu patients. During a flu epidemic at an Israeli Kibbutz, half of the flu patients were given an elderberry syrup, the other half a placebo. The results: within 24 hours, 20% of the patients receiving elderberry had gotten significantly better. Within 2 days, 75% of the elderberry group were much improved; within 3 days 90% were completely cured. Among the placebo group, only 8% of patients improved within 24 hours and it was a full 6 days before 90% of the patients were cured.

Elderberry has a very high ORAC, or oxygen radical absorption capacity: over twice as much as blueberry. In addition, antioxidants called flavonoids stimulate the immune system. Other compounds in elderberry, called anthocyanins, have an anti-inflammatory effect; which would explain the effect on aches, pains, and fever.

Elderberry is an herb that has a long history of use as a remedy for colds, sinus infections and flu. In preliminary lab studies, elderberry extracts have been found to fight off viruses. Researchers believe that anthocyanins, compounds found naturally in elderberries, may be the active component that strengthens the immune system and blocks the flu virus from sticking to our cells.

Health food stores carry elderberry juice, syrup and capsules. Only commercially prepared extracts of the berry should be used, because the fresh leaves, flowers, bark, young buds, unripe berries and roots contain cyanide and could potentially result in cyanide poisoning.

For recommendations on keeping your immune system strong during this flu season (as well as info on flu vaccines), check out information on my August 9th blog.

May you be well & stay well--as an informed health care consumer!


  1. Hey Sana, Thanks for the information. Stocked up tonight to be prepared.

  2. Sana, Thankx for the gr8 Blog. I would follow you but there is no button? Follow me at wellnessbusinesscoach.blogspot.com

  3. Does this work for kids under two as well?
