Sunday, October 4, 2009

Slow Down & Expect Great Health!

Taking steps to improve your overall health doesn't have to be time-consuming, painful or expensive---Check out these SIMPLE ideas below! You may want to make a sign/reminder for yourself to 'Slow Down'! :o)

Slower breathing is one of the simplest ways to better health. Deep breathing lowers stress and reduces systolic blood pressure (the top BP number). It allows oxygen to get down to the smallest airways in our lungs, where the oxygen exchange is most efficient. Quick, shallow breathing causes our bodies to be less oxygenated (not a healthy state to be in).

Slower eating is one of the simplest ways to eat less. This is because of the 'lag time' between when the stretch receptors in your stomach signal it is time to stop eating ('I'm full!') and when your brain gets the message. Researchers at the University of Rhode Island discovered that people who eat slowly consume around 70 less calories/meal. Multiply that by 3 meals a day and you could lose 20 pounds over the next year.

Slowing down in general is one of the simplest ways to prevent accidents. It's impossible to calculate the number of motorists killed or injured each year because they were in a rush. Insurance companies have found that the overwhelming majority of job-site accidents are traceable to hurrying. You actually save time, do better work and prevent more injuries by slowing down.

The last simple step for this blog is to simply Expect To Be Well, no matter what age you are! Obviously we need to take an active role in our health---being 'Owners of our Health' and making good decisions. Couple that along with positive expectations for good health---and you're way ahead of the average American who entertains thoughts like, 'Well, I'm almost 50, so I suppose I'll have a heart atack before long'...or 'Cancer runs in my family, so I suppose I'm next'...What?? Really?? We can't afford to have thoughts like that--We get what we think about!

How about 'changing the tape' and reminding yourself throughout the day of positive messages like 'I take good care of myself and am so blessed to be healthy' and 'I am grateful for my ever-improving health'?

Here's to Continued Great Expectations for your great health!

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