Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Preventive Maintenance---For YOU!

Ask anyone who recently purchased a new car if they plan on getting the oil changed regularly--and following the preventive maintenance plan found in the Owner's Manual. The typical answer is, "of course!" When asked why, their answer would be something on the order of, "to make it last longer and work more efficiently." It's not a hard concept for the vast majority of car owners to grasp---that's why we see the 'Grease Monkeys' and 'Oil Can Harry's' around---to make it convenient for necessary vehicle maintenance.

The car analogy is not's just a great way to 'wrap your mind' around the idea of 'Personal Preventive Maintenance.' We realize the benefits of regular oil changes, fluid checks, tire rotations, filter changes, etc for our vehicles---so we make sure it gets done. And no, insurance doesn't pay for it! We know we'll end up paying much more in the long run, though, if we forego the preventive maintenance.

If we're making sure this happens for our vehicles, why on earth are so many people not doing the same for their bodies?? At least we can get a new vehicle if the current one breaks down completely. We can't get a new body! And if we wait until our bodies break down, we know that it will cost more and take longer to get 'back to normal'---and sometimes normal is not even an option.

What does Personal Preventive Maintenance look like? Biggies on the list include:
*Getting good quality sleep in adequate amounts nightly
*Drinking 1/2 our body weight in ounces each day--good quality drinking water
*Using an air filtration system in our home (that doesn't produce ozone)
*Eating a balanced diet with an emphasis on veggies and fruit (minimimizing processed foods)
*Taking basic whole food supplements to make sure our bodies are getting the nutrition they need
*Getting regular exercise (walking 30 minutes a day)
*Regular health screenings, depending on age (mammogram, colonoscopy, BP checks...)

As you can see, none of it is rocket science. If you're serious about 'getting healthy' and taking Ownership of your Health' choose one of the above and make it a priority---'build' it into your daily routine.

I have ideas and recommendations to help make this process easier as well. My family and I have been enjoying the benefits of 'personal preventive maintenance' for years.

Time to go get my oil changed on my vehicle (thank goodness there are no muffler bearings to grease!) :o)

Be Well...

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