Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Freedom To Take Ownership Of Your Health

We are very blessed as a nation to live in a country with such ready access to healthcare. We know that most people in the world don't have this luxury. But...would you agree that good access to healthcare DOES NOT ALWAYS EQUAL good health to those it serves?

American medicine sometimes causes more harm than good. The number of people having adverse drug reactions to prescribed medications while hospitalized is 2.2 million. The CDC reported the number of unnecessary antibiotics prescribed annually for viral infections in 1995 was 20 million. That number has now grown into the tens of millions of unnecessary antibiotics. (I'll explain in an upcoming blog about what frequent/unnecessary antibiotics can do to our 'gut' or GI tract).

The number of unnecessary medical and surgical procedures performed annually is 7.5 million. The number of people exposed to unnecessary hospitalization annually is 8.9 million.

As you read about these huge numbers, it may appear that the American medical system is the leading cause of death and injury in the United States! This may be a surprise to some---appalling to others---and extremely obvious to yet others.

I'm not saying that healthcare in the US is all bad...there's just great room for improvement. The first step is the decision to take OWNERSHIP of our health, not leaving our health up to chance...or in the hands of others (even healthcare providers). Don't get me wrong---I'm a healthcare provider...a Registered Nurse. My point is that it is that each of is is responsible for working with trusted healthcare providers, taking the time to learn about various options that are available, and then making the best decision based on solid information.

This is a totally different scenario from showing up for a medical appointment, telling where it hurts, being handed a few prescriptions & driving on the the pharmacy to get them filled---without first learning what is causing the health challenge or symptoms, discussing various options for treatment (including potential side effects), and focusing on simple lifestyle changes that will have longlasting effects.

We have the FREEDOM to take ownership of our health. We often don't realize what a gift our health is until it is threatened or gone.

Enjoy your many freedoms this 4th of July holiday---including your freedom to take back ownership of your health!

In Health...

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