Thursday, July 9, 2009

Which Do You Prefer...Exercise or Physical Activity?

It seems as though the media (along with other entities) is trying to soften or 'pretty up' the concept of regular exercise by calling it 'physical activity' (which it is, obviously). So call it whatever you choose---to make it sound appealing---then just DO IT! Below is some serious ammunition (health reasons) to spur you on:

Exercise helps prevent obesity, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, hormone imbalances, depression and some forms of cancer.(This is actually a US law: 103-417!)

The CDC reports that 70% of Americans are not active enough to benefit their health. Not a surprise to the majority of us---A definite 'wake-up call' though!

Medical studies have shown that 90 minutes of exercise a week controlled depression better than tri-cyclic antidepressant drugs. The benefits took 8 weeks to reach this level. WOW!

By combining exercise with nutritional supplementation you get exponential benefits to the immune function:
*Humans that took nutritional supplements increased NK cells 18% for 6 hours. (Natural Killer cells--they're good guys! They destroy fatal viruses, cancers, and bacteria)
*Humans that exercised increased NK cells 13% for 6 hours.
*Humans that did both increased NK cells 255% for 20 hours!!

Walking is one of the best forms of exercise. Take out your calendar and schedule it in your day. What a great investment to make in your's FREE as well! (Unless you need a new pair of walking shoes---or opt for a pair of weighted fitness shoes like I wear each morning!).

The benefits are TOO GREAT to ignore. Start your regular exercise plan TODAY--don't wait for a new month, a new season, a new walking outfit---just DO IT!

Blessings of health to you--

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