Sunday, August 9, 2009

Mass Flu Vaccinations? Who Really Benefits?

I realize this is a longer blog entry---I encourage you to read it & share it with those you love---especially families with school-age children.

One of the biggest 'take-home' messages I hope to convey through these blog messages is to get fully informed on health-related issues that impact you and your family. Take for example, the news coming out about the government considering making the H1N1 flu vaccinations mandatory for our kids from USA Today-June 16,2009:
Schoolchildren could be first in line for swine flu vaccines this fall — and schools are being put on notice that they might even be turned into shot clinics. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said Tuesday she is urging school superintendents around the country to spend the summer preparing for that possibility, if the government goes ahead with mass vaccinations.

Wait a minute---Check out what's happening in Australia, where the winter season has begun. Federal Health Minister Nicola Roxon is reassuring parents the swine flu is no more dangerous than regular seasonal flu. "Most people, including children, will experience very mild symptoms and recover without any medical intervention," she said. Hmmm...why such a discrepancy between countries?

It's crucial to understand that these vaccines are experimental, untested, potentially toxic and can be extremely dangerous to the human immune system. Flu vaccines can also contain a number of chemical toxins, including ethylene glycol (antifreeze), formaldehyde, phenol (carbolic acid) and even antibiotics like Neomycin and streptomycin. In addition to the viruses and other additives, many vaccines also contain immune adjuvants like aluminum and squalene. Squalene-based adjuvants can cause a multitude of health challenges, including auto-immune disorders.

The purpose of an adjuvant added to a vaccine is to boost your immune response to the vaccination. They make your immune system overreact to the introduction of the organism you’re being vaccinated against and are also supposed to get the job done faster, reducing the amount of vaccine required per dose & the number of doses given to each person.

Less vaccine required per person means more individual doses available for mass vaccination campaigns. This is exactly the goal of government and the pharmaceutical companies who stand to make millions (?billions) from their vaccines.

Not all squalene is bad--it depends on whether you ingest it naturally (as in olive oil which provides antioxidant effects) or whether it is unnaturally injected into the body. Injection of squalene provokes the immune system to attack all the squalene in the body, not just the vaccine adjuvant, including in places where it occurs naturally, and is vital to the health of our nervous system. Gulf War veterans with Gulf War Syndrome received anthrax vaccines which contained squalene, which has been linked to the devastating autoimmune diseases suffered by numerous Gulf War vets.

Many vaccine researchers are very concerned about this upcoming swine flu vaccination program, especially in light of the fact that the Washington Post has confirmed that the swine flu vaccine WILL contain mercury. U.S. health authorities are actually recommending that kids get FOUR flu shots this fall. Four shots that contain mercury?? Really??

According to the CDC, approximately 36,000 people die each year in the U.S. from the regular flu. That averages to about 100 people a day. The total number of confirmed mortalities in the U.S. from the swine flu since the virus was identified in March is less than 200, less than the number of people who die in two days from the regular flu. Yet don't be surprised if you soon start to see propaganda for mandatory vaccination, starting with our children. Mandatory vaccines bring billions of dollars to big pharmaceutical companies and more control to politicians.

What a lot of people don’t know is that true type A or type B influenza only causes about 20 percent of all flu-like symptoms that people experience during any given flu season. 80 percent of all flu-like illness in a normal flu season is NOT caused by the type A and B strains of influenza for which annual flu shots are given. And vaccine acquired immunity is temporary, while immunity gained after recovering from influenza is longer lasting.

In some states, like Massachusetts, public health doctors have persuaded legislators to quickly pass pandemic influenza legislation that will allow state officials to enter homes and businesses without the approval of occupants; to investigate and quarantine individuals without their consent; to require licensed health care providers to give citizens vaccines and to ban the free assembly of citizens in the state. Wow, where do we live? Is this the US, the home of the Free, home of the Well-Informed?

There is virtually no science to support the safety of vaccine injections on our long-term health or the health of our children. Follow-up studies last on average about two weeks, and look only for glaring injuries and illnesses. The presumed intent of a vaccination is to help a person build immunity to potentially harmful organisms that cause illness and disease. However, our body’s immune system is already designed to do this in response to organisms which invade your body naturally.

Realize that you can say NO to vaccines that you don't believe are in your best interest (or your family's!). This is what my family & I are doing to keep our immune systems strong and greatly minimize our risk of getting the flu:
Good quality sleep each night
Healthy eating (minimize sugar intake, which really 'hits' the immune system)
Adequate water intake (1/2 body weight in ounces/day)
Regular exercise (Walking!)
Basic nutritional supplements, including an Immunity whole food product to daily 'feed' our immune systems

May you and your family be blessed with health that YOU are in control of and informed about--

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