Tuesday, November 3, 2009

My studies--Info on 'Magnet Therapy' from my textbook

After being a user of magnetic technologies for over 13 years, it was great to read a section in my Naturopathy textbook (Healthy Healing) devoted to 'Magnet Therapy.' Our family has benefitted greatly from this simple technology--better sleep, relief of a wide range of discomforts, relaxed muscles, rapid recovery from sports injuries (think kids...football, hockey, golf, baseball, gymnastics...)---who would have thought?? :o)

The main points from the book:
*The 1st recorded use of therapeutic magnets dates back to 600BC! (Nothing new--it's been around a long time).
*Modern science has known since the 1950's that a magnetic field is critical to normal body function and coordination. In fact, immune deficiency syndromes (like fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis...) were first identified as magnetic field deficiency syndromes.

What we know so far---Magnet therapy (Again from my book):
*increases blood flow
*balances pH
*helps break down scar tissue & realease toxins
*speeds up the migration of calcium to help heal nerve tissue & bones
*stimulates enzyme activity
*enlarges blood vessel diameter & reduces inflammation
*reduces pain by modulating pain receptors
this is a partial list...

Studies abound--solid studies performed by non-pharmaceutical sources--validating the positive, SAFE benefits of magnetic technology for our health. Other countries have been enjoying the benefits of safe, natural & proven energy technologies like this for years--we're just catching up! For further information, check out earlier posts from June & July...

Be well & Stay well!

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