Tuesday, June 2, 2009

What's a Wellness Nurse?

Does the term 'Wellness Nurse' fall into your category of oxymorons (the use of contradictory terms like 'jumbo shrimp' and 'plastic glass')? Fifteen years ago, it would have been right up there in my books with 'boneless ribs'!

My nursing career dates back to 1981 (yes, that makes me 47!). I chose a nursing career because I wanted to 'help people.' It didn't take me many years to realize that, although I was helping people/patients in an acute care setting, many of these patients continued to be challenged with deteriorating health. Just 'adding another pill' or 'trying' a new treatment didn't provide longterm health that people were looking for. The overall health of Americans---of all ages---was falling apart right in front of me. I didn't have any answers to this ever-growing problem until I was introduced to the concept of Wellness and the use of Wellness Technologies.

I've been on a Wellness learning path for the past 12 years. It's taken a change in mindset...from one of waiting until I got sick & then seeking treatment...to one of expecting to feel healthy, full of energy, with full expectations of staying well longterm.

The most rewarding piece for me in these past 12 years has been sharing what I've learned with others---showing them how to get their health back safely & effectively---as well as showing them how to 'build wellness' into their daily lives. My family & I also enjoy great health, high energy levels and the peace of mind that comes from knowing that we're being proactive with our health (without any medications!).

I look forward to sharing what I've learned with you, so that you and your family may be blessed with True Wellness.

More tomorrow!

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