Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Water Basics

Now that you've learned about the importance of drinking adequate amounts of water from yesterday's post (1/2 your body weight in ounces each day), let's check out some of the more common types of water that we may have access to.

*Tap water has chlorine (or some derivative of it), along with a multitude of other chemicals that were never intended for our bodies. Chlorine is a cancer-causing agent---we need to make sure it's out of our water before drinking!
*Well water doesn't have chlorine, but may have disease-causing organisms as well as chemicals and other contaminants from the ground around it.
*Bottled water is often nothing more than water from a municipal (town) supply that has been run through a simple carbon filter. Articles abound with test results showing the multiple contaminants found in random water bottle testing. And that doesn't even take into account the huge problem of plastic bottle waste.
*Distilled water can still contain heavy metals, including arsenic as well as organic chemicals. The alkalinizing minerals are removed, leaving the water acidic (not what our bodies are looking for!)
*Reverse osmosis water can still contain organic chemicals. The process is slow and wastes water. It also removes all of the minerals from the water, leaving it acidic.

My family & I use a filtration method that incorporates carbon filtration, along with magnetic and mineral components in an easy to use system that provides us with filtered, energized, mineralized water. I encourage you to do your homework and research to find the best filtration for you and your family. The end-resulting water should be slightly alkaline. Then invest in some inexpensive "BPA-free" plastic bottles (I found ours at Target) for your family's water bottles. We each have our own color (mine is blue) to minimize confusion. With this setup, we don't buy bottled water, which is a great way to save some $$---along with being "green"!

Remember...1/2 your body weight in ounces each day---more when you're working out!
Stay well...

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