Monday, June 8, 2009

What's Up With Magnets...Besides the Fridge?

I know I'm not addressing the 'water and heartburn' issue in this blog---that will come tomorrow. I wanted to share a website with you that I just learned about today!

Here is a website of several news reports from major networks (like NBC) regarding the use of magnets:

It's interesting to watch peoples' reactions when the use of magnetic technology for health and relief of discomfort is mentioned for the first time. A skeptical 'raised eyebrow'---a smirk---a slight shaking 'no' of the head... I know, because I think I did them all at once--and then laughed (12 years ago). I'm glad my mind was open enough to 'just check it out.' My health and my family's health (along with thousands of others) has been blessed as a result.

When concerns are raised about FDA approval with our technologies, my mind quickly raises questions about the hundreds (if not thousands) of prescription medications that were fully approved by the FDA---before being pulled off the market because of major side effects, including death. The wellness technologies I work with are completely safe--NO side effects. Hard to imagine, after growing up in the world of Western Medicine, where everything has potential side effects---but absolutely true.

Whether exploring the use of magnetic technology to make your hurts go sleep build prevention into your life---it's definitely worth exploring to find out how it can be of benefit to you and those you love.

There is much more to cover with magnetics--watch for future blogs! In the meantime, check out the website above. I look forward to hearing from you---
Be Well,

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