Monday, June 29, 2009
Omega 3's & Pregnancy---Even If You're NOT Pregnant
I'm writing this message as if talking to a young woman planning on having a child in the near future.
A quick review from the last blog: Omega 3 fatty acids are often referred to as essential fatty acids. They cannot be produced by your own body, but instead need to be obtained through essential foods.
It is known that Omega 3 actually plays a large role in the development and growth of your baby when it is in your uterus. Omega 3's helps to build the brain, form the retinas & develop the nervous system.
Studies are showing that infants born to mothers with higher blood levels of the omega-3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) at delivery had advanced levels of attention spans well into their second year of life. During the first six months of life, these infants were two months ahead of those babies whose mothers had lower DHA levels. How wonderful is that?
Omega 3 is also necessary for your own pregnancy to reduce your chances of developing preeclampsia, reduce your risk for postpartum depression & minimize the chance of preterm labor.
Omega 3 oils are especially important during the final trimester. It is during this time that your baby uses Omega-3 to form approximately 70% of his/her brain system, as well as the rest of his/her nervous system.
Omega 3's are found in oily fish like salmon, as well as non-aquatic sources like dark green vegetables, canola, sunflower, and flaxseed oils & walnuts.
Make sure that your Omega 3 supplements are not made from fish livers. The liver can contain high amounts of retinol vitamin A, which has been linked to birth defects.
It honestly is challenging to find good quality forms of Omega 3 supplements. I recommend (and personally take) a vegetable formulation, not made from fish oils.
Blessings on your health!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Omega 3's...Amazingly Powerful & Extremely Beneficial!
What are they??
Omega 3's are one of the 'fatty acids' that are essential for maintaining optimal health. They are a type of unsaturated fats, or “good” fats. These fatty acids are not naturally produced by the body but can be derived from our diet. They provide structural & metabolic functions in the brain & retina (eye) & assist in overall cell function in the body, for starters. A deficiency in Omega 3's may play a role in accelerated cerebral (brain) aging.
What's the difference between Omega 3's & Omega 6's??
Omega 6 fatty acids are also essential for optimal health and are found in eggs, cereals, breads, poultry, processed foods, margarine & most vegetable oils. The average American's diet is typically too high in Omega 6's. Sixty years ago, the ratio of Omega 6's to Omega 3's was a healthy, balanced 1 to 2. That ratio today is 25 to 1 (Carcinogenesis, Sept.2005).
What are the best sources of Omega 3's??
Salmon, sardines, mackerel, herring, albacore tuna, wild game, flaxseed, wheat germ, soybeans, walnuts, vegetable oils & green leafy vegetables.
What are the health benefits of regular intake of Omega 3's??
Reduced incidence of heart disease and strokes--lowered blood pressure & triglyceride levels--reduced incidence of depression, dementia & anxiety--prevention of migraines--prevention of diabetes complications--reduced cancer risk---anti-inflammatory effect, reduced stiffness and joint pain in people with rheumatoid arthritis--improved bone density--improved lung function in asthmatics--reduced the symptoms of ADHD in young children and improvement in children's cognitive development.
What to do?? :o)
Focusing on adding the great Omega 3 foods to our diet is a great place to start, although some types of fish have contaminants in them and should be avoided. You may want to consider a quality supplement as well. Supplements purchased in drug stores & grocery stores vary extremely in quality and may have toxins such as mercury in them.
My family & I take a vegetable source of Omega's---a scientifically balanced, pure formulation. Let me know if you would like me to pass on info about it to check out. Another great example of a Totally Safe, Effective, Easy way to build wellness into your life!
Be Well & Enjoy Each Day--
Labels: nutrition, Omega 3 fatty acids, wellness draft 9:33:00 AM by Sana
1 – 1 of 1
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Magnetics ...102?
Several points:
*Magnetic health products/devices have been around for hundreds of years in Europe and for thousands of years in Asia.
*The earth's magnetic field has been decreasing over the past years. In addition, we often 'insulate' ourselves from this natural, healthy magnetic field with our homes, our cars, for example (concrete, steel...any other materials that block, weaken or interfere with the earth's magnetic fields). This decreased exposure to natural magnetic fields can lead to 'Magnetic Field Deficiency Syndrome' with symptoms of fatigue, discomfort & overall worsening of health. Symptoms disappear when the body is exposed to naturally occurring magnetic fields.
*The use of AC (alternating current) wreaks havoc with normal magnetic fields in the body. Cell phones cause interference as well.
*To demonstrate the power & benefit of magnetic technology, Dr. N. Nakagawa conducted a study on 11,000 patients with muscle spasms---mainly in the neck & shoulder region---also going down the back. With magnetic technology, 90% were painfree.
*Studies like this abound--I'll share just one more: Dr. Antenucci treated 222 patients with acute & chronic muscle & joint pain with magnetic technology. 90% reported less pain within 5 days. The placebo group (control group) had only 14% with improvement.
*Magnetic technologies can help the body fight off bacteria, viruses and fungi. This occurs with the increased immune function by strengthening the white blood cells. A magnetic field can also act like an antibiotic by lowering the body's acidity (raising the pH). Check out other blogs about how extremely important this is! Those little microorganisms have a much harder time surviving in an alkaline environment.
*Magnetic technology (well-designed technology) enhances our energy levels by maintaining the correct polarization of the cells, allowing them to function most efficiently, providing us with greater energy.
Enough for now! The blog posts will be a bit sporadic over the next week or so with travels. Keep checking back for new info! I look forward to your comments and questions.
Take good care of you...
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Chlorinated Water Consumption Does NOT = Health
The prime reason for water disinfection is to decrease the level of microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses and cysts in the water. Chlorine is a reasonably inexpensive disinfectant, not too difficult to use and serves a variety of other purposes, including controlling color and odor. Chlorine is used as a disinfectant because it is extremely chemically reactive.
It is becoming increasingly clear that chlorinated water and many of the chlorination by-products pose serious human health and environmental concerns. Chlorines rarely occur naturally so most living creatures, including humans, have not developed the means to detoxify them.
To date, chlorinated water & various chlorination by-products have been linked to numerous health challenges, including: CANCER, BIRTH DEFECTS, REPRODUCTIVE PROBLEMS, IMMUNE SYSTEM SUPPRESSION, NEUROLOGICAL PROBLEMS AND DAMAGE TO THE LIVER, KIDNEYS AND EYES. Drinking water is not the only way of absorbing toxic chlorine substances. It is also absorbed through the skin when bathing and showering. Trihalomethanes enter the lungs during showering. In comparison to ingested chemicals (like chlorine) which go through the liver, chemicals absorbed through the skin or inhaled enter the circulation immediately.
Many people believe that chlorine is effective at killing all disease-carrying organisms--actually it is not. Cryptosporidium, Giardia and various amoebae are capable of entering a cyst stage, which makes them extremely resistant to chlorine. The list of pathogens, which have caused disease outbreaks in chlorinated water systems, includes also enterovirus, hepatitis A, Norwalk agent and rotaviruses.
Bottom line? Chlorine (or derivatives) do a fair but not complete job of 'cleaning' our municipal water supplies. Chlorine was NEVER meant for us to drink/ingest or absorb during bathing.
My family & I are blessed to be using safe, effective filters for our drinking water and for showering. A very simple way to 'Build' wellness into our busy lives!
Blessings for good health and total wellness...
Monday, June 22, 2009
Artificial Sweeteners--Just Not Worth The Risk!
Artificial sweeteners (like Splenda/sucralose) are added to hundreds of foods and beverages. Currently there are no long-term studies that explore how this synthetic substance reacts in the human body. Even with this lack of research, fake sweeteners (like Splenda) are showing up in many products, even those that claim to be 'healthy.' The media is doing a great 'snow job' with Americans, convincing them that these artificially sweetened products are somehow better than those with sugar.
Splenda/sucralose is essentially chlorinated table sugar--a chemically altered version of sugar that replaces naturally found hydrogen and oxygen with chlorine. Chlorine is a known carcinogen (cancer-causing agent). Some chlorinated molecules serve as the basis for pesticides such as DDT and accumulate in body fat and tissues---Ewhhh---what not to put in our bodies!. Although it is commonly thought that sucralose passes through the body unabsorbed, FDA research has found that 11% to 27% of sucralose is absorbed by humans. Tests by the Japanese Food Sanitation Council show that up to 40% may actually be absorbed.
Sucralose has been the subject of fewer scientific studies than any other non-nutritive sweetener. The Splenda site states that Splenda causes "no known side effects." In Sept.of 2008, James Turner, chairman of the national consumer education group Citizens for Health expressed shock and outrage after reading a new report from scientists at Duke University. "The report makes it clear that the artificial sweetener Splenda and its key component sucralose pose a threat to the people who consume the product. Hundreds of consumers have complained to us about side effects from using Splenda and this study, published this past week in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Part A, confirms that the chemicals in the little yellow package should carry a big red warning label," said Turner.
Below are symptoms that have been experienced by those ingesting sucralose/Splenda. Although many of these symptoms could indeed have other contributing causes, most people stated that the symptoms began around the same time they started using Splenda--then disappeared when Splenda was removed from their diet.
Splenda Reaction Symptoms:
Flushing or redness of the skin--Burning feeling of the skin--Rash--Itching--A panicky or shaky feeling--Swelling--Blisters on the skin--Nausea--Stomach cramps--Dry heaves--Becoming withdrawn--Loss of interest in usual activities--Forgetfulness--Moodiness--Dulled senses--Unexplained crying--Acne or acne-like rash--Anxiety/Panic attacks--Feelings of food poisoning--Headache--Seeing spots--Mental/emotional breakdown--Altered emotional state--Pain (body/chest)--Bloating--Diarrhea--Trouble concentrating/staying in focus--Depression--Seizures--Shaking--Feeling faint
Safe alternatives to Splenda/sucralose: stevia, using small amounts of regular sugar if needed, honey...
Safe alternatives to diet drinks: How about chilled, (filtered) water with a few lemon slices---lime slices---orange slices---strawberries? Brew some tea using a chai flavor or other favorite of yours & drink chilled. Honestly---the BEST alternative: Good Water (filtered, alkaline water).
Be Well & Stay Well...
Friday, June 19, 2009
Energy from the Sun---Far Infrared, that is...
Far-Infrared (FIR) energy comes from the sun (a different wavelength from ultraviolet, visible light and radio waves). FIR penetrates beyond the skin level and is absorbed efficiently by the cells (visible light bounces off the skin surface).
Without going into the more complicated aspects of physics, Far-Infrared is able to penetrate more deeply than other parts of the light spectrum (to a depth of about 1to 1.6 inches) -- and stimulate your body cells in a beneficial way.
Benefits of Far-Infrared light include:
*Temporary relief of muscular pain and spasm...
*Relief of mild and occasional joint aches and stiffness...
*Providing a comforting feeling of penetrating warmth...
*Stimulating blood flow and circulation...
*Promoting a healthy immune system & metabolism...
*Elimination of waste from the body (detox), reducing the acidic level in our body & improving the nervous system
Additional benefits:
Prevention of bacterial growth
Softening of hard water
Purification of water
Speeding up repair of body cells
Balancing of the acid level in our body
Normalization of blood cholesterol
Maintenance of body warmth and better sleep
Sang Whang, the author of "Reverse Aging" claims that excess acids (potentially very harmful to our bodies) can be eliminated with the use of far infrared products, along with consuming certain alkaline minerals and foods. The far infrared technology heats up the internal temperature of the body, increasing circulation, thus enabling the blood to melt out the acidic toxins.
Some ways to receive infrared light rays includr infrared LED light devices, FIR comforters & FIR wraps for aching joints. Millions of people have used these devices to achieve comforting heat and some measure of temporary relief from pain and stiffness.
Wow---another Simple, SAFE & Effective way to build wellness into our lives...
Our family has benefitted from this technology for years!
I'm waiting for your questions and comments--
In good health...
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Magnetics 101
Below are some general uses for magnetic technology--as listed in Dr. Gary Null's book, Healing With Magnets:
*Relief from Hurt and Discomfort. The Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation publised a double-blind, placebo-controlled study with results confirming the effectiveness of magnet in relieving the pain of post-polio syndrome.
*Reduction of Inflammation and Improved Circulation
*Antimicrobial Effects
*Stress Reduction
*Correction of Central Nervous System Disorders
*Energy Enhancement
*Quicker Healing
*Increased Athletic Endurance and Performance
What an incredible list! Especially when you factor in that there are no side effects when using magnetic technology from a reputable company, as my family & I have done for the past 12 years.
More to come---to help with your understanding of this ancient (yet so new to so many of us!) technology. Just one bite at a time!
Blessings of Total Wellness to you...
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Such A Simple Thing To Make Such A Big Difference--Insoles!
Enter a Simple, SAFE, Effective Solution: Magnetic Insoles. Now before you click the little 'X' in the corner to end your reading of this article, check out the findings from the research article below. This research was performed by a noted neurologist who initially set out to prove that magnetic insoles do not make a difference in Diabetic Neuropathy. This information can be truly life-changing and life-enhancing to so many others...please share this with others. You never know whose life you might bless!
May you enjoy a summer of great wellness---
The following is a summary of Third Phase of the Weintraub STUDY on the effects of NikkenTM Magnetic Insoles on Diabetic Neuropathy.
* Approximately 260 patients with Diabetic Neuropathy took part
* The Longitudinal Study was carried out at 83 different hospitals by their Dept. heads, according to strict randomized double-blind/placebo design
* The lead researcher was internationally known Michael Weintraub, M.D., FACP
* The results of this study (which have been tabulated and reviewed by NIH)
were reported as the Keynote Address for the annual meeting of the American College of Neurology and were published in: Archives of Physical Medicine Rehabilitation. 2003;84:736-46
* All Magnetic Insoles are NOT created equal !
* Nikken EQL(tm) Design was THE ONLY insole that provided consistent
* Use of these insoles can slow the progression of Diabetic Neuropathy and conditions related to compromised Microcirculation (Diabetic Ulcers, Gangrene) and potentially provide a reduction in foot amputations (approximately 54,000 done annually).
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Whole Food Nutrition, Page 2
So...a bit more on nutrition & supplements---NOT the boring stuff---just the stuff that is VERY important for you to know to help you in your decision-making processes for you and your family.
A powerful reference book that I never loan out to anyone (and I loan out alot of books!) is "Your Blood Never Lies" by Ted Aloisio. Ted is a Nutritional Microscopist and renowned lecturer on solid nutrition information. He bases his info on over 10,000 nutritional assessments. Pretty solid, I would say!
His book covers a variety of topics, including the world of nutritional supplements. A few facts from Ted:
*Supplements can be way off on active ingredient amounts" which means that we may think that we're getting a good amount of a supplement, when we're actually not. (Study from University of Toronto.)
*Ineffective blending of ingredients in many supplements can render them basically useless in the body. (Example: Vitamin B12 costs the most of B vitamins so it is usually supplied in lower than optimal quantities in supplements. This imbalance not only effects B12 levels, but also affects the utilization of the other B vitamins.)
*Questionable manufacturing techniques by some companies include the use of substances like shampoo, polyethylene glycol, cork & sand (to name a few). These may be used as binders to hold the pills together or to make them 'pop' out of the molds more easily.
*The amount of pressure used to compress some pills is sometimes hundreds of pounds. (I wonder how well those would dissove in the body!)
*The Journal of Chiropractic Economics reported a few years ago that 250,000 pounds of undigested multi-mineral and vitamin tablets and pills are pulled out of the Seattle, WA sewage filters every 6 weeks, many of them with the brand names still readable.
All this adds to the case for Whole Food Supplements, by which we can avoid 'all of the above!' Couple that with a healthy diet of 'whole foods' and your body will be smiling and saying Thank You in many different ways--
Be Well....
Monday, June 15, 2009
Whole Foods---Aren't All Foods Whole Food??
Let's check it out:
Whole foods are defined as those that are unprocessed and unrefined, or processed and refined as little as possible before being consumed. They typically do not contain added ingredients, such as sugar, salt, or fat. They're also defined as natural foods and especially unprocessed ones (as vegetables or fruits).
A whole-food supplement, is one comprised of foods--not extracts, but entire foods, that have been concentrated into supplemental form. Isolated supplements are singular (or groups of individual) vitamins, minerals and/or amino acids.
Here's the BIG difference--that can make a BIG difference in our health: Whole foods contain vitamins, but vitamins never contain the rest of the whole-food "complex." Most of the nutritional supplements people are buying at their local drug store or grocery store fall into the 'vitamin/mineral' category---the synthetic version that has quite limited benefit in our bodies. That's not what our bodies are designed to benefit from. Our bodies most easily recognize 'whole food' supplements that have enzymes, cofactors, antioxidants, etc. that make it a complete source of nutrition.
Take the time to learn about synthetic vitamins/supplements vs. whole food supplements. Take the ultimate test and give your body a 3-month trial of whole food supplements and notice the difference. You won't switch back---and your body will thank you!
To your Total Wellness...
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Swine Flu Pandemic--Digging Even Deeper
Please take the time to learn about vaccines such as these before consenting to them for yourself and for your family members (including small children!)
Some points to consider:
**Two years ago (in 2006) a study in the British Medical Journal concluded that the effectiveness of annual flu shots has been exaggerated, and that in reality they have little or no effect on influenza campaign objectives, including reducing the number of hospital stays, time off work, and death from influenza and its complications.
**Another study from 2005, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine also could not find support for the use of flu vaccine to prevent deaths in the elderly. The report highlights that although immunization rates in people over 65 have increased dramatically in the past 20 years, there has not been a consequent decline in flu-related deaths.
**A study published in the October 2008 issue of the 'Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine' found that vaccinating young children against the flu had no impact on flu-related hospitalizations or doctor visits during two recent flu seasons. The researchers concluded that "significant influenza vaccine effectiveness could not be demonstrated for any season, age, or setting" examined.
**A recent study published in the Lancet found that influenza vaccination was NOT associated with a reduced risk of pneumonia in older people. Vaccination coverage among the elderly increased from 15 percent in 1980 to 65 percent now, yet there has been no decrease in deaths from influenza or pneumonia.
**A similar study, published in The New England Journal of Medicine, concluded that vaccination against pneumonia does not reduce your risk of contracting the disease.
**Research published in the American Journal of Respiratory Care and Critical Care Medicine also confirmed that there has been no decrease in deaths from influenza and pneumonia, despite the fact that vaccination coverage among the elderly has increased from 15 percent in 1980 to 65 percent now.
**A large-scale, systematic review of 51 studies, published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews in 2006, found no evidence that the flu vaccine is any more effective than a placebo in children. The studies involved 260,000 children, age 6 to 23 months.
Why am I still on my soapbox about this? Because there are SAFE and EFFECTIVE ways to protect yourself and your family from viruses like this. Keeping our immune systems strong so they can fight off infections like this is the simple, logical, most cost-effective longterm approach out there. We impact our immune systems through our sleep, basic nutrition, the air we breathe...just what we find in a Wellness Home!
I look forward to your questions and comments---
Be well...
Friday, June 12, 2009
Swine Flu Pandemic--EFFECTIVE Measures To Take
It also means that the health organization is asking drug makers to start making vaccine as quickly as possible, with the hope of having some batches ready by September. Efforts to make a vaccine are under way, and stockpiles of antiviral drugs have been opened.
Let's stop right there and dig a little deeper...
Vaccines are big business for many pharmaceutical companies. Vaccines will generate $21.5 billion in annual sales for their makers by 2012. Time magazine published an article (4/27/2009) reminding us of the huge problems that resulted from vaccines given during the 1976 swine flu fiasco. After several soldiers at Fort Dix had gotten the flu, the Ford administration attempted to use 'flu scare' at Fort Dix as a good reason for a mass vaccination of the entire country. Within a few months, claims totaling $1.3 billion had been filed by victims who had suffered paralysis (Guillain-Barre Syndrome) from the vaccine. Healthy young people ended up as paraplegics. The vaccine was also blamed for 25 deaths. The swine flu epidemic never materialized.
I'll have more info on the effectiveness of specific swine flu vaccines very soon. For now, let's look at one of the highly touted medications recommended for those who may possibly have the flu: Tamiflu.
The timing of this swine flu pandemic is quite convenient for governments that would soon have to dispose of billions of dollars of Tamiflu stock, which they bought to counter avian flu (H5N1). The US government ordered 20 million doses, costing $2 billion, in October, 2005, and the UK government ordered 14 million doses. The shelf life of the anti-viral, Tamiflu is three years.
Tamiflu is NOT a safe drug Serious side effects include convulsions, delirium or delusions. Tamiflu is blamed for 14 deaths in kids. Japan banned Tamiflu for children in 2007. This is when the FDA began investigating over 1,800 adverse (bad) reactions to the drug. When Tamiflu is used as prescribed, it can only reduce the duration of symptoms by 24-36 hours, according to the official data---with a cost of over $100.
Wouldn’t it make more sense to practice basic health measures, such as getting adequate sleep each night, supplementing our healthy eating with basic nutrition that promotes a healthy immune system (like the whole food mushroom blend I described yesterday!), drinking adequate amounts of filtered water, and frequent hand washing? As “Owners” of our health, it’s our responsibility to gather adequate information before making decisions that can have a big impact on our health.
Thank you for taking time to learn how to best protect yourself and your family. Here's to a 'flu-less' season...a 'flu-less' year!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Mushrooms...Not Just For Dinner Any More!
Mushrooms are probiotic in nature (probiotic means “for life." They are live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts, provide a beneficial health effect). They help our bodies keep strong and fight off illnesses. Mushrooms tend to have pretty cool, hard to pronounce names as well: Agaricus Blazei, Phellinus Linteus, Lepiota name a few!
When I was first introduced to the concept of mushrooms for health, I looked up the mushrooms listed in the 'whole food' preparation of the 14 mushroom blend I was checking out. Look at the functions of these mushrooms:
MAITAKE--Stimulate T-cells 2000-3000%
AGARICUS BLAZEI--Stimulate NK cells 5000-6000% REISHI---Longevity—Tonic for Cholesterol/Liver
CORDYCEPS SINESIS---Strength—Endurance—Oxygenation
SHIITAKE---Licensed as anti-cancer drug by Japanese FDA—Anti-viral
TRAMETES VERSICOLOR---Used as anti-cancer drug in Japan
HERICUM ERIANCEUS---Digestive Tonic—Energy boosting
PLEUROTUS TUBER-REGIUM---Anti-tumor—Beta Glucans (anti-cancer/anti-tumor)
OYSTER---Anti-tumor—Cholesterol lowering
CHAGA---Immune system modulator
Whole-food mushroom blends are designed to 'feed' our immune systems to keep them strong. My family & I take this blend every day---to help keep our immune systems as strong as possible AND to build prevention of disease into our daily lives.
Something so safe...with potential to make such a difference in our lives and in the lives of those we love. Reply/Comment back if you have questions---That's what I'm here for!
Stay well & enjoy your summer...
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Water Basics
*Tap water has chlorine (or some derivative of it), along with a multitude of other chemicals that were never intended for our bodies. Chlorine is a cancer-causing agent---we need to make sure it's out of our water before drinking!
*Well water doesn't have chlorine, but may have disease-causing organisms as well as chemicals and other contaminants from the ground around it.
*Bottled water is often nothing more than water from a municipal (town) supply that has been run through a simple carbon filter. Articles abound with test results showing the multiple contaminants found in random water bottle testing. And that doesn't even take into account the huge problem of plastic bottle waste.
*Distilled water can still contain heavy metals, including arsenic as well as organic chemicals. The alkalinizing minerals are removed, leaving the water acidic (not what our bodies are looking for!)
*Reverse osmosis water can still contain organic chemicals. The process is slow and wastes water. It also removes all of the minerals from the water, leaving it acidic.
My family & I use a filtration method that incorporates carbon filtration, along with magnetic and mineral components in an easy to use system that provides us with filtered, energized, mineralized water. I encourage you to do your homework and research to find the best filtration for you and your family. The end-resulting water should be slightly alkaline. Then invest in some inexpensive "BPA-free" plastic bottles (I found ours at Target) for your family's water bottles. We each have our own color (mine is blue) to minimize confusion. With this setup, we don't buy bottled water, which is a great way to save some $$---along with being "green"!
Remember...1/2 your body weight in ounces each day---more when you're working out!
Stay well...
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
The Heartburn-Dehydration Connection
What if heartburn could be managed in a much simpler, much less expensive & much SAFER way? Hmmm....Let's look at what heartburn is, first. Heartburn is a signal of dehydration in our body. It's one of the body's ways of signaling thirst. Heartburn is NOT a disease, which most related commercials would lead a person to believe.
The use of heartburn medications and antacids obviously doesn't correct the dehydration and can ultimately lead to inflammation of the esophagus, stomach & rest of the GI tract.
A good rule of thumb for adequate water intake is drinking half your body weight (lbs) in ounces each day (more when working out & sweating). Example: a person weighing 140 lb should drink at least 70 ounces of water daily.
Some tips to increase your water intake: Take a glass of water into your bedroom or bathroom at night and drink it first thing when you wake up in the morning---Drink a glass of water before each meal---Keep a notepad handy to track the number of glasses of water consumed each day until you reach your goal---Imagine a water tank in your body that gets empty on a regular basis each day (just like your car's gas tank) so as you are drinking water during the day you can visualize 'filling your tank' and keeping it filled!
I'll have information on water quality and the difference between various types of water, including distilled and reverse osmosis water in upcoming blogs.
Reference to information in this blog:
"Water Cures: Drugs Kill--How Waer Cured Incurable Diseases" F. Batmanghelidj, MD. Global Health Solutions, Inc. Nov. 2003.
"Water-The Ultimate Cure: S. Meyerowitz. Book Publishing Co. Oct. 2001.
May you be blessed with wellness...
Monday, June 8, 2009
What's Up With Magnets...Besides the Fridge?
Here is a website of several news reports from major networks (like NBC) regarding the use of magnets:
It's interesting to watch peoples' reactions when the use of magnetic technology for health and relief of discomfort is mentioned for the first time. A skeptical 'raised eyebrow'---a smirk---a slight shaking 'no' of the head... I know, because I think I did them all at once--and then laughed (12 years ago). I'm glad my mind was open enough to 'just check it out.' My health and my family's health (along with thousands of others) has been blessed as a result.
When concerns are raised about FDA approval with our technologies, my mind quickly raises questions about the hundreds (if not thousands) of prescription medications that were fully approved by the FDA---before being pulled off the market because of major side effects, including death. The wellness technologies I work with are completely safe--NO side effects. Hard to imagine, after growing up in the world of Western Medicine, where everything has potential side effects---but absolutely true.
Whether exploring the use of magnetic technology to make your hurts go sleep build prevention into your life---it's definitely worth exploring to find out how it can be of benefit to you and those you love.
There is much more to cover with magnetics--watch for future blogs! In the meantime, check out the website above. I look forward to hearing from you---
Be Well,
Friday, June 5, 2009
The pH Balancing Act
My family and I, along with millions of others around the world have found simple, SAFE & effective ways to promote an alkaline environment in our bodies. The 3 basic areas where we impact the pH of our bodies are Sleep, Water and Nutrition. All three are part of the whole wellness picture or wellness home environment.
We impact our body's pH during sleep by using specially designed sleep pads, pillows and comforters with magnetic, far infrared and negative ion technologies. The water we drink is filtered, energized and slightly alkaline, after passing through a specialized filtration unit. (Distilled water and reverse osmosis water are both quite acidic---more on that later!) We also take a certain green barley extract (mixed in water or juice) that promotes alkalinity. That's the nutrition component.
Very simple, easy to incorporate into our busy lifestyles---and powerful in their effects.
Tomorrow: The link between heartburn (the body being too acidic) and water intake.
To your health...
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Think Alkaline---pH REALLY Matters!
Major take-home point: Virtually all degenerative diseases including cancer, heart disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, kidney and gall stones, and tooth decay are associated with excess acidity in the body. Cancer cannot exist in an alkaline environment. All forms of arthritis are associated with excess acidity. Acid in the body dissolves both teeth and bones.
The body has a homeostatic (regulatory) mechnaism that maintains a constant pH of 7.4 in the blood by depositing and withdrawing acid and alkaline minerals from bones, soft tissues, body fluids and saliva. This can cause the pH of these tissues to fluctuate greatly. The pH of your saliva provides an overall look at the pH of your body. While there can be a wide range of pH values for the saliva and urine, the value for the blood is maintained within narrow bounds.
pH of Various Body Tissues:
Skeletal muscle 6.9 - 7.2
Heart 7.0 - 7.4
Liver 7.2
Brain 7.1
Blood 7.35 - 7.45
Saliva 6.0 - 7.4
Urine 4.5 - 8.0
Biology class dismissed. :o) Thanks for hanging in there---This is powerful information!
Be Well...
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Remember This...pH Matters!
One of the most key pieces of information that I've learned over the past 12 years is the importance of keeping our bodies in a slightly alkaline state. It's encouraging to see that this topic is getting some press in women's magazines. These articles tend to focus on the issue, but offer little if any information in HOW to keep our bodies in this pH-balanced environment.
Over acidity in our bodies can weaken all of our body systems. It can make the internal environment of our bodies more prone to developing diseases, as opposed to a pH-balanced environment (slightly alkaline) which allows normal body function necessary for the body to resist disease.
A healthy body maintains adequate alkaline reserves to meet the emergency demands of our bodies often brought on by stress (of any kind). This stress causes an excess of acids in our body, which must be neutralized, which in turn depletes our alkaline reserves, leaving the body in a weakened condition.
The concept of acid alkaline imbalance as the cause of disease is not new. William Howard Hay published a ground-breaking book in 1933: A New Health Era in which he maintains that all disease is caused by autotoxication (or "self-poisoning") due to acid accumulation in the body.
Some reasons that our bodies are too acidic include the typical American diet, which is way too high in acid-producing animal products like meat, eggs and dairy, and way too low in alkaline-producing foods like fresh vegetables. Processed foods like white flour and sugar produce acidity in our bodies as does drinking acid-producing beverages like coffee and soft drinks. Most medications are acid-forming. Artificial chemical sweeteners are extremely acid-forming. One of the best things we can do to correct an overly-acid body is to make simple changes in our diet, focusing MORE on fresh vegetables and LESS on processed foods and large amounts of animal proteins.
Be watching for future postings on specific wellness measures that help keep the body slightly alkaline as well.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
What's a Wellness Nurse?
My nursing career dates back to 1981 (yes, that makes me 47!). I chose a nursing career because I wanted to 'help people.' It didn't take me many years to realize that, although I was helping people/patients in an acute care setting, many of these patients continued to be challenged with deteriorating health. Just 'adding another pill' or 'trying' a new treatment didn't provide longterm health that people were looking for. The overall health of Americans---of all ages---was falling apart right in front of me. I didn't have any answers to this ever-growing problem until I was introduced to the concept of Wellness and the use of Wellness Technologies.
I've been on a Wellness learning path for the past 12 years. It's taken a change in mindset...from one of waiting until I got sick & then seeking one of expecting to feel healthy, full of energy, with full expectations of staying well longterm.
The most rewarding piece for me in these past 12 years has been sharing what I've learned with others---showing them how to get their health back safely & effectively---as well as showing them how to 'build wellness' into their daily lives. My family & I also enjoy great health, high energy levels and the peace of mind that comes from knowing that we're being proactive with our health (without any medications!).
I look forward to sharing what I've learned with you, so that you and your family may be blessed with True Wellness.
More tomorrow!