Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Magnetics ...102?

Another little 'chunk' or byte of information on magnetics to hopefully assist you in understanding a bit more about why they work so well. I understand if you're wanting information about this technology---especially you analytical minds out there! (That was me, 12 years ago...)

Several points:
*Magnetic health products/devices have been around for hundreds of years in Europe and for thousands of years in Asia.

*The earth's magnetic field has been decreasing over the past years. In addition, we often 'insulate' ourselves from this natural, healthy magnetic field with our homes, our cars, for example (concrete, steel...any other materials that block, weaken or interfere with the earth's magnetic fields). This decreased exposure to natural magnetic fields can lead to 'Magnetic Field Deficiency Syndrome' with symptoms of fatigue, discomfort & overall worsening of health. Symptoms disappear when the body is exposed to naturally occurring magnetic fields.

*The use of AC (alternating current) wreaks havoc with normal magnetic fields in the body. Cell phones cause interference as well.

*To demonstrate the power & benefit of magnetic technology, Dr. N. Nakagawa conducted a study on 11,000 patients with muscle spasms---mainly in the neck & shoulder region---also going down the back. With magnetic technology, 90% were painfree.

*Studies like this abound--I'll share just one more: Dr. Antenucci treated 222 patients with acute & chronic muscle & joint pain with magnetic technology. 90% reported less pain within 5 days. The placebo group (control group) had only 14% with improvement.

*Magnetic technologies can help the body fight off bacteria, viruses and fungi. This occurs with the increased immune function by strengthening the white blood cells. A magnetic field can also act like an antibiotic by lowering the body's acidity (raising the pH). Check out other blogs about how extremely important this is! Those little microorganisms have a much harder time surviving in an alkaline environment.

*Magnetic technology (well-designed technology) enhances our energy levels by maintaining the correct polarization of the cells, allowing them to function most efficiently, providing us with greater energy.

Enough for now! The blog posts will be a bit sporadic over the next week or so with travels. Keep checking back for new info! I look forward to your comments and questions.

Take good care of you...

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