Thursday, June 18, 2009

Magnetics 101

I thought it may be helpful to list some of the more common uses of magnetic therapy to help in your process of becoming educated about this pretty amazing technology.

Below are some general uses for magnetic technology--as listed in Dr. Gary Null's book, Healing With Magnets:

*Relief from Hurt and Discomfort. The Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation publised a double-blind, placebo-controlled study with results confirming the effectiveness of magnet in relieving the pain of post-polio syndrome.
*Reduction of Inflammation and Improved Circulation
*Antimicrobial Effects
*Stress Reduction
*Correction of Central Nervous System Disorders
*Energy Enhancement
*Quicker Healing
*Increased Athletic Endurance and Performance

What an incredible list! Especially when you factor in that there are no side effects when using magnetic technology from a reputable company, as my family & I have done for the past 12 years.

More to come---to help with your understanding of this ancient (yet so new to so many of us!) technology. Just one bite at a time!

Blessings of Total Wellness to you...

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