Saturday, October 31, 2009

My 1st Assignment--Why I'm Doing What I'm Doing

I'm quickly figuring out 'how things work' as I jump in with both feet into my coursework toward my Doctor of Education in Holistic Health & Wellness degree---Here is my first 'project' that I submitted this past week that gives an idea for why I'm doing what I'm doing----I know there are many out there who truly are wondering WHY I'm doing what I'm doing!
May you and your families be blessed with great health!

My Philosophy of Natural Health
Imagine a nation in which being healthy and truly feeling well was the norm…with illness being an uncommon occurrence for which there were simple, safe and effective measures to take. While we’re at it, let’s also imagine a prevailing mindset of personal responsibility for our health. I realize that the general public would be rolling their eyes in unison after reading the above two statements. That’s okay, though. That’s why I’m embarking on this journey of education with a destination of a Doctor of Education in Holistic Health and Wellness degree.

The reason I say it’s ‘okay’ at present for the public to roll their eyes in disbelief at the thought of a healthy nation is because the majority of people aren’t aware of the sound research and information available in the natural health arena that can impact our health in positive ways. The barrage of pharmaceutical-driven health information from multiple media sources that the public is subject to, even if they aren’t looking for information, is a formidable mess of misinformation often designed to intimidate and alarm.

Many of us were raised under a Western medicine influence with a skewed view of health being ‘the absence of disease.’ Little, if any, emphasis was placed on disease prevention. The average health care consumer is growing increasingly frustrated and confused with conflicting reports and myriads of health care choices. This frustration and confusion is creating a wonderful window of opportunity in the natural health field. I believe that sound, pertinent education is the key in changing the face of our nation’s health for the better.

This ‘sound’ education can only happen with knowledgeable natural health consultants and practitioners standing up and speaking out, armed with unbiased, unequivocal research. This is what it will take in a country overridden with a medical (sick care) system driven for the most part by financial greed. I’ve been a part of both sides (Western medicine and natural health) in my 28 year nursing career and I know which side needs to win the battle. A true victory will be a cooperative force of health practitioners and consultants practicing integrative medicine that actually endorses and follows the ‘Do no harm’ credo.

I know that I will benefit personally from the knowledge gained on this journey of natural health education. My goal is to take this invaluable information and utilize effective ways to educate others in ways that make sense to them, empowering them to incorporate healthy behaviors into their lifestyles. I look forward to the journey.

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