Monday, July 6, 2009

Showering Basics: No Chlorine!

If you were worried about a boring blog outlining the basics on how to take a shower---No Worries! Let's just assume that we all have that 'basic' down. :o)

What you may not realize is that drinking water (tap water) is not the only way to absorb toxic substances including chlorine. Chlorination of municipal water systems produces by-products which can cause serious health concerns. These byproducts have been associated with a variety of serious health challenges, like cancer, birth defects, kidney & liver damage, immune system suppression and neurologic problems.

These chlorine byproducts can be absorbed through our skin when bathing and showering. Certain byproducts, like trihalomethanes, enter our lungs when we inhale the steamy air during bathing. The amount of byproducts absorbed through our skin and lungs during bathing may be even greater in amount than one would ingest in a normal day of drinking tap water.

We realize that water disinfection with chlorine-type products decreases the level of microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses and cysts in the water. Chlorine is a reasonably inexpensive disinfectant, not too difficult to use and serves a variety of other purposes, including controlling color and odor. It does a pretty good job at cleaning up our water sources.

Just remember---our bodies were not designed to absorb chlorine (or any chlorine derivative)! An easy solution our family uses is a simple showerhead designed to filter out chlorine. It's great taking a shower without smelling the chlorine, having it dry out our skin and potentially causing significant health challenges.

Some of you may be wondering about swimming in a chlorinated pool...a way to minimize absorbing chlorine is to take a shower before jumping in. This decreases the amount of chlorine absorbed.

Be Well---and Be Thankful for Good Health!

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