Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Nutrition Trends To Pay Attention To

Wow, studying is really consuming my time---my apologies for the long lapse in blogging! I'm deep into nutrition at this point, learning about Gac juice, ipriflavones, policosanol, gentian & codonopsis (no, I didn't realize any of these existed either, until a few weeks ago). :o)

I'm receiving nutrition-related emails and updates regularly now, with articles on what's new in research, what people are paying attention to, etc. I'm finding that certain trends seem to keep popping up...I'll share a few now & then more in my next blog in a few days.

**Fresh fruits & veggies galore! Consumers are choosing more fresh veggies & fruit, especially the pre-packaged, ready-to-eat versions carrots, broccoli, celery, apple slices. Such a great trend with great potential for our health.
->TIP: Choose organic whenever possible to minimize toxin intake. Wash all produce when you first bring it home so it's always ready to use or munch on. A few TBSP of white vinegar in water kept in a spray bottle works well for cleaning produce.

**Comfort foods are back! I've heard the word meatloaf more in the past year than in the past 10 years---due in part to more cooking happening at home rather than eating out as well as Baby Boomers getting back to their 'roots.' Home-cooked meals like these tend not to be loaded with preservatives and processed ingredients, which is a good thing!
->TIP: Use fresh ingredients whenever possible, opting for low-fat cheese, leaner cuts of meat---and as FEW processed ingredients (think Bisquick baking mix, cream of chicken/mushroom soup, instant white rice...)

**Greener living which extends into our food world as we buy locally-grown produce when possible (a new word coined for this: locavores!) and buy produce in season. Citrus is in season now---as are root vegetables. Strawberries and tomatoes are not. You'll still see them (strawberries & tomatoes, for example) in the grocery store, typically not organic - and with minimal nutrition left in them being they were picked way before they were ripe.
->TIP: Check out local farmers markets and coops in your areas. There are some creative ideas coming from them, like being able to get baskets of produce in season for a set price (a mix of fruits & veggies) to take home for the week & plan your meals around--Cool!

**Low sodium options are becoming more available---taste can be a bit 'missing' or 'off' as I'm sure you've experienced. Attention does need to be paid to this area, though, as sodium consumption in the US is higher than it has ever been. Limiting sodium intake may benefit about 30-50% of those with high blood pressure (it's not the magic bullet, though---great info for another blog!)
->TIP: No WHOLESOME FOOD has a high sodium content, so again, limiting the processed foods helps immensely. Switching to RealSalt is a great change to make, too. It's a sea salt loaded with minerals---a much better option.

More trends to follow soon---
Here's to good health that we can enjoy...for a long time!

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