Saturday, February 20, 2010

This Could Save Someone's Life: Do You Know Anyone Taking Avandia for Diabetes?

A bit different focus today---jumping to the 'other side' for a moment---because a big part of WELLNESS involves knowing what NOT to take and finding SAFER, HEALTHIER options. Please share this with anyone you know who may be taking Avandia, a popular diabetes medication.

Check out these excerpts from an article in today's New York Times(2-20-2010):
Hundreds of people taking Avandia, a diabetes medicine, needlessly suffer heart attacks and heart failure each month, according to confidential government reports that recommend the drug be removed from the market.

Avandia, intended to treat Type 2 diabetes, is known as rosiglitazone and was linked to 304 deaths during the third quarter of 2009. “Rosiglitazone should be removed from the market,” one report, by Dr. David Graham and Dr. Kate Gelperin of the FDA, concludes. Both authors recommended that Avandia be withdrawn.

The internal FDA reports are part of a fierce debate within the agency over what to do about Avandia, manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline. GlaxoSmithKline said that it had studied Avandia extensively and that “scientific evidence simply does not establish that Avandia increases” the risk of heart attacks.

Avandia was once one of the biggest-selling drugs in the world. Driven in part by a multimillion-dollar advertising campaign, sales were $3.2 billion in 2006. But a 2007 study by a Cleveland Clinic cardiologist suggesting that the drug harmed the heart prompted the FDA to issue a warning, and sales plunged. A committee of independent experts found in 2007 that Avandia might increase the risk of heart attack but recommended that it remain on the market, and an FDA oversight board voted 8 to 7 to accept that advice.

Hundreds of thousands still take the medicine, although some top endocrinologists say they have sworn off the drug.

The bipartisan multiyear Senate investigation — whose results are expected to be released publicly on Monday but which were also obtained by The Times — sharply criticizes GlaxoSmithKline, saying it failed to warn patients years earlier that Avandia was potentially deadly.

“Instead, G.S.K. executives attempted to intimidate independent physicians, focused on strategies to minimize or misrepresent findings that Avandia may increase cardiovascular risk, and sought ways to downplay findings that a competing drug might reduce cardiovascular risk,” concludes the report, which was overseen by Senator Max Baucus, a Montana Democrat, and Senator Charles E. Grassley, an Iowa Republican.

Mr. Baucus said of the report, “Patients trust drug companies with their health and their lives, and GlaxoSmithKline abused that trust.”

In response, GlaxoSmithKline said that it disagreed with the Senate investigation’s conclusions. The company said that it could not comment on internal FDA documents but that “the official ruling from FDA is that Avandia remain on the market.”

Safer, healthier options are available for those with type 2 Diabetes, involving simple lifestyle changes. I look forward to your comments and questions.

May you be blessed with true wellness...

Monday, February 8, 2010

Nutrition Trends...Part 2

A few more trends that seem to keep 'popping up' in the work-related health & cuisine magazines...on the web...
Just think--when a friend mentions one of these, you can say, "Yeah, I already heard about that." :o)

**Changes in Nutritional Labeling! This includes 'Front-of-package' labeling and major changes in serving size (meaningful portion sizes) that is more in line with how Americans are eating. Unless consumers study the label carefully they may think they are getting fewer calories or other nutrients than they are--as they are pouring 1 1/2 cups of cereal into a 'typical' American cereal bowl---when the serving size for most cereals 3/4 cup.
->TIP: Pay attention to serving size of your favorite foods---do the measuring & see how close you are to an actual 'serving' -- so you'll know if you're actually consuming 120 calories...or 240 calories!

**Green Tea Rising Up In Ranks! The research is revealing the amazing benefits of green tea (decaf as well)...from prevention of skin cancer, powerful antioxidant effect, antibacterial effect, heart health protector, promotion of fat-burning, regulation of blood sugar and promoting fertility (a recent study showed that women who had 1 cup of green tea a day got pregnant faster).
->TIP: Opt for a green tea at your favorite coffee place at least once per week (more often, preferably)--it's less expensive than the latte's & so good for you. Check out the 'tea' section of your grocery store as well--with a goal of an organic green tea.

**Herbs and Spices to 'Kick Things Up A Notch' (Sorry, Emeril!) Many of the herbs that make foods taste amazing (and can decrease the amount of salt/sodium needed) have great health benefits. Turmeric (that's what's in curry) has great antioxidants & anticancer agents--as well as anti-inflammatory & antibiotic effects. Oregano is a strong antioxidant. Cinnamon is a powerful antimicrobial, found to kill E. coli (bad bacteria) & other bacteria--along with having anti-inflammatory effects. Ginger has powerful antibiotic & anti-inflammatory effects. Garlic has been proven effective against some resistant bacteria, along with yeast and parasitic infections---and it has great anti-inflammatory effects.
->TIP: If the spices in your spice rack have been around for over a year, it's time to start over with fresh...dried is is best. Start experimenting with these great spices that make your house smell SO good!

**Having FUN Cooking At Home! Whether you're involving your little ones...or inviting a few friends over to make a meal & then enjoy...the benefits are many! It's a great way to teach kids very basic nutrition concepts (yes, there are many older elementary kids that have no idea what protein is...or that it is something that should be included with each meal) -- a great way to cut down on use of processed foods with all the preservatives and other harmful ingredients -- and low budget entertainment!
->TIP: Watch a few episodes of a Food Network show (Giada is my favorite) to get some ideas...or just go on one of the 'food' websites: to get some ideas. Some of the websites even generate grocery lists for specific recipes.

Back to the books---I have several pages marked with a sticky-note in my current textbook as 'great blog ideas' -- Stay tuned!

May You Be Blessed With Good Health...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Nutrition Trends To Pay Attention To

Wow, studying is really consuming my time---my apologies for the long lapse in blogging! I'm deep into nutrition at this point, learning about Gac juice, ipriflavones, policosanol, gentian & codonopsis (no, I didn't realize any of these existed either, until a few weeks ago). :o)

I'm receiving nutrition-related emails and updates regularly now, with articles on what's new in research, what people are paying attention to, etc. I'm finding that certain trends seem to keep popping up...I'll share a few now & then more in my next blog in a few days.

**Fresh fruits & veggies galore! Consumers are choosing more fresh veggies & fruit, especially the pre-packaged, ready-to-eat versions carrots, broccoli, celery, apple slices. Such a great trend with great potential for our health.
->TIP: Choose organic whenever possible to minimize toxin intake. Wash all produce when you first bring it home so it's always ready to use or munch on. A few TBSP of white vinegar in water kept in a spray bottle works well for cleaning produce.

**Comfort foods are back! I've heard the word meatloaf more in the past year than in the past 10 years---due in part to more cooking happening at home rather than eating out as well as Baby Boomers getting back to their 'roots.' Home-cooked meals like these tend not to be loaded with preservatives and processed ingredients, which is a good thing!
->TIP: Use fresh ingredients whenever possible, opting for low-fat cheese, leaner cuts of meat---and as FEW processed ingredients (think Bisquick baking mix, cream of chicken/mushroom soup, instant white rice...)

**Greener living which extends into our food world as we buy locally-grown produce when possible (a new word coined for this: locavores!) and buy produce in season. Citrus is in season now---as are root vegetables. Strawberries and tomatoes are not. You'll still see them (strawberries & tomatoes, for example) in the grocery store, typically not organic - and with minimal nutrition left in them being they were picked way before they were ripe.
->TIP: Check out local farmers markets and coops in your areas. There are some creative ideas coming from them, like being able to get baskets of produce in season for a set price (a mix of fruits & veggies) to take home for the week & plan your meals around--Cool!

**Low sodium options are becoming more available---taste can be a bit 'missing' or 'off' as I'm sure you've experienced. Attention does need to be paid to this area, though, as sodium consumption in the US is higher than it has ever been. Limiting sodium intake may benefit about 30-50% of those with high blood pressure (it's not the magic bullet, though---great info for another blog!)
->TIP: No WHOLESOME FOOD has a high sodium content, so again, limiting the processed foods helps immensely. Switching to RealSalt is a great change to make, too. It's a sea salt loaded with minerals---a much better option.

More trends to follow soon---
Here's to good health that we can enjoy...for a long time!