Friday, July 16, 2010

Bottled Water Blues...Definitely NOT Green!

It’s hot out there! (For most of us, that is!) Spending time outside this time of year can quickly remind us of how much water our bodies need to stay hydrated, as our thirst mechanism kicks in. Water is still at the top of the list for hydration and always will be…although occasional drinks of various assortments hit the spot as well!

If you’re still uncertain about tap water vs. bottled water/filtered water, check out my two blog entries from 6/10/2009 and 6/23/2009---they’re archived in the list to the left of the main articles. Hopefully that info will make a solid case in your mind for the need to avoid tap water. Distilled and reverse osmosis waters are also discussed with emphasis on the fact that both types of water are acidic, which we don’t want!

As we ‘wade’ through all the information on bottled water…and try to keep our head from ‘swimming’ as we search for quality bottled or filtered water…here are some facts that may be helpful:

-->A study by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) tested more than 1,000 bottles of 103 brands of bottled water. About one-third of the waters tested contained levels of contamination -- including synthetic organic chemicals, bacteria, and arsenic. At the national level, the Food & Drug Administration is responsible for bottled water safety, but the FDA's rules are completely exempt for all bottled water that is packaged and sold within the same state, which accounts for 60-70% of all bottled water sold in the US---and about 20% of the states don’t regulate these waters either.

-->Standard water bottles are composed of a plastic called PET which is made from crude oil. Estimates are as high as 17 million barrels of oil being needed for water bottles in the US each year. Over 85% of these water bottles are tossed in the trash instead of being recycled. Not exactly ‘green’ since these bottles take 400-1000 years to degrade!!

-->All plastic bottles leach synthetic chemicals into water, some more than others. Even the popular refillable polycarbonate water bottles are known to release BPA (Bisphenol A) into the water. The best and healthiest solution is a quality home water filter and refillable non-BPA plastic bottles or glass water bottles.

-->Estimated costs for bottled and filtered water:
$400-$500/year for bottled water (conservative estimate)…year after year…plastic bottle after plastic bottle…
$250-$450 one time cost for a good quality water filter…with once/twice a year filter change ($20-$40)

-->If you choose to go the route of a water filtration unit, look for an activated carbon filtration component (0.5 micron filter if possible) in the unit with the end-resulting water being slightly alkaline. Well-filtered, slightly alkaline water is what our bodies are looking for and are thirsty for!

I admit there are times (ie. travelling) when I will buy bottled water. Tap water is not an option in my humble opinion. I look for slightly alkaline versions and always look forward to returning home to the great filtered water we have in our Wellness Home! So simple, so green, and, most importantly, so very good for our health and the health of our precious families!

Remember...drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water every day--more when working out and when you're out in hot weather. Please let me know if you have questions---I love 'em!

Happy Summer! Blessings on your health--